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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 30, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PST

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it saturday, the 30th of november, 2013. i'm anna kooiman, it's deadline day for the obama web site. and it begins with a shutdown. overnight out of service. will it be up and running in time to keep the president's promise? we will bring you the latest. >> caught on camera mayhem at your local mall. a black friday frenzy, leading to reports of violence all over america. including one woman taking out a taser on her fellow shoppers ahead. >> did she get that tv? she did. a family has a lot to be thankful for today after high speed crash into utah home on thursday night. their surprise hero josh
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romney, son of former presidential candidate mitt romney. how he pulled the family of four to safety. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> so, good morning,. >> good saturday morning, everyone. did you have a wonderful thanksgiving. >> yes, we missed you. >> i missed i. i would say i did not wake up early enough to show. i heard it was great. >> what you should do on thanksgiving when you are off. >> you spent the holiday with 20 people. >> we always have a big thanksgiving dinner. including you next year. keep that in mind. >> i didn't get the invite until today. >> a lot of people on the road getting back from thanksgiving plans from their in-laws' house and so forth there is a new study we will bring to you in a short while the most annoying driver in the car? is it the spouse or kids?
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>> ready or not the owe become that administration self-imposed web site deadline is here. in fact, it's too hours from right now. it's already off to a rocky start. james rosen is live for us in washington with the very latest. veins? >> tucker, handna, and clayton, good morning. you know, it's only in these pre-dawn post thanksgiving hours we feel safe here on fox news in quoting neil young, it wasn't supposed to go down this way. the much balihooed relaunch not official relaunch of outage from 8 last night to 8 this morning. that's seven hours longer than the usual daily outage time. the services for medicaid and medicare services the division of health and human services department that administered the web site announced the extended deadline a few hours before mid night without any explanation or how serious
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setback it represents for the long troubled online portal participation in president obama's signature law. administrators do boast some improvements since problems when the web site first materialized in a big way. to wit the after launch time 8 seconds now down to 1 second. pages are said to be loading incorrectly 1% of the time. more visual cues have been added for smoother navigation of the overall site. major problems. verifying users' identities when they apply to for subsidize insurance coverage. not always transmitting accurate data for enrollees. processing payments for insurers still have not been built. former director of the office of manage and budget jeff joins tapped to oversee presided 24/7 tech surge command center or war room providing what the
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administration has promised will be a significantly different user experience come -- well, come today. zions and his team predict that 50,000 simultaneous users should be able to log. in 800,000 over the course of any given day, just not right now. >> james rosen on this harvest moon, you have a heart of gold. >> very good, clayton. >> this is what the white house spokesperson this morning that today is not a relaunch date for the web site. i'm quoting november 30th is not a magical date it is a magical date. it's exactly the date we were patrol car missed by secretary kathleen sebelius the site will be working now they say it won't be. when you have this magical date set why the obama administration to be up and running again. take down their web site right before the launch and as we have been checking in throughout the night to see if it's been up and running to james' point it has been there, it hasn't been there.
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to reach that 50,000 perfect person traffic goal come this week, there are all of these things that james just pointed out that still aren't in place. processing payments. >> that's kind of a big deal. >> you think? >> payments isn't up and running yet. isn't built yet. >> that's one of the issues. charles krauthammer says you know what? don't believe everything you hear either. is this more spin from the white house. is he calling this basically a fraud, listen. >> they had announced this when they were in trouble at the near of october as we are going to have it fixed. there is a tape you showed yesterday of way it was supposed to be working. this is simply another example of administration that's not only can't shoot straight but can't talk straight. everything they tell you about obamacare, everyone knows is a fudge or a hedge or a guess or a prayer or an outright deception. this is another one of
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those, you know, that's multiple choice, a, b, c, d, or e. you choose which one you want but it's not the truth. >> accord to the "wall street journal" too. the accurate time sending information to the insurers. one of the reasons they are still deal with on healthcare dot gof. do you trust the web site with that sensitive information or is it vulnerable to hacking or vulnerable to something being inadvertently sent to the wrong pepper. >> if we taken this money and sent it to sick people we would have done more for health and wellness in this country. the ratio is 50 to 1 as of this morning. every person that's received health insurance through, 50 have lost their health insurance because of obamacare. not a good ratio. >> remarkable. deadline is approaching. december 23rd. still having trouble getting on the web site and processing payments and having them connect with the
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databases. coming forward and may want to push for the delay of the march 31st final deadline and push it back even further. president obama is taking a hit right now. he is at the lowest approval rating of his presidency. he sat down last night with barbara walters on 20/20 who addressed some of these issues about weather center people have thought i has lied about the rollout of obamacare and if he is trustworthy? >> are you worried that you won't be able to get things done because of this lack of support? >> well, barbara, if you remember, i have gone up and down consistently throughout. the good thing is when you are down you have got nowhere to go but up. >> it's hard to sit opposite to you, mr. president, and say this. a lot of the criticism is personal people just don't think you are trustworthy. >> i don't think that's true, barbara. the truth of the matter is i got reelected because in
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part trustworthy and working on behalf. mediocre two term president. which are you? >> i think the best would be a good two term president. that's what i'm going to be shooting for. >> they will say in his legacy is he going to be a good one as far as healthcare is concerned, as far as revamping the entire thing. but, if not, this web site, this deadline happening today it could be the tipping point it means his reputation is going the other way and senate democrats running for the hilings. especially the ones up for re-election. >> it's not about him really. it's not about his personal popularity. it's about whether the ideas that he espouses work or not. i hope republicans keep their eye on the ball here. it's not about do you trust obama? he will be gone in three years. do his ideas work? there is a referendum on that right now with obamacare and so far they aren't working. >> more largely too.
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do these liberal progressive ideas that government can solve your problems. is that something that the democrats in 2014 will have to run on. run from. death of ideology, too. other stories making headlines overnight. breaking news to tell you about. start with a fox news alert out of alaska where four people have been killed after a small plane went down there overnight. the pilot is among the dead. the single engine cessna crashed neither village of st. mary's in the person part of the state. 10 people were on board at the time. no world on the condition of the others. to glasco, scotland where at least six people have been killed after a police helicopter crashed into a busy pub. the bar packed with over 100 people at the time there -- three people on board the helicopter, two officers and a civilian as well. still no word on their condition. witnesses say the whole scene was who are -- horrific. >> don't know -- smoke came.
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hear people screaming. >> still unclear what caused the crash. one eyewitness saying the dropper dropped. >> brand new video released overnight showing war veteran captured in north korea. you may remember newman was grabbed off the claim leaving the country a month ago. the video was released by a state run news agency. shows newman for apoll devising during crimes he committed during the korean war. they are notorious from coercing statements from prisoners. the news agency is also releasing this signed apology from newman. >> and it's romney to the rescue. when a car carrying four people crashed into a house in utah commit's -- mitt's
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son josh jumped out to help. he tweeted out a photo of himself along with the message first on the scene to big accident. see pics of car in the house. i lifted four people out to safety. all okay. thankful. >> why thank you very much. anna. and to add the icing on the news cake we have great rick reichmuth standing by. >> the cold icing. >> chilly, frigid as some would say. >> here you go. temps warming um from where they were from your thanksgiving. climbing 3 to 5 degrees. we will take it current temps as you are waking up. factor in the wind, great lakes around the north cool as well. texas, 36 is what it feels like this morning. el paso. after we dealt with that storm that hit most of the country last week and big messy day at least on the east on wednesday. we are quiet.
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snow across new england and upstate new york. no big problems. out across the west, there is a new storm that's going to be on its way and moving out across the pacific northwest today. rain move in and snow in higher elevations. that snow level higher level. might see a little snow in the seattle area that storm will bring much colder air in to the country. save thursday. really cold air out across the west. little bit of spread spread in. that's really the only game in town which if you are trying to travel home for thanksgiving, guys, we are going to be in pretty good shape for everybody so great. have a hard time getting home or getting to grandma's or mom's or whatever. getting home is good. >> over the river and through the woods. coming up here on the show, mayhem at your local mall. black friday frenzy leaving reports all over the nation. one woman taking out her
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taser on a fellow shopper. >> you can believe people do this stuff? >> yes, i can. fit mom made headlines for what's your excuse picture. now she is being banned from facebook we will tell you why and can you decide if that's fair or not.
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>> welcome back, appear began president harmid karzai determine the long term presence of the u.s. military in his country. according to a top commander in his. joseph said this about karzai i don't know if he fully realizes the risks. he certainly understands it from an afghan perspective. i don't know if he appreciates fultly what the implications are are for the
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united states. >> what does this road block mean for the united states here to weigh in as fox news military analyst general jack keane? good morning to you. >> good morning. what do you think about this? is this going to be a strategic plunder similar to what we saw in iraq if this happened? >> well, it certainly could be. the fact of the matter is karzai is a material, somewhat pair noise leader who is trying to avoid being a lame duck here and therefore irrelevant. he has six months to go i think why should made make it about the strategic long-term. security agreement we are trying to get signed is really a major step towards that long-term relationship. we should focus on that. eventually we are going to have a new president seven months from now. and we shouldn't make the same mistake that we did in iraq. and react emotionally to this incident, act impulsively and then wind up with no deal that would be a
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tragedy for the investment we have made here for 12 years. >> general, you say that karzai is paranoid and yet the obama administration is saying it's going to allow him to decide wrnt the united states leaves troops in afghanistan. haven't we earned the right to make that decision unilaterally? we could but we have made the decision this is a bilateral agreement. the fact is we don't have to make it decision with karzai. we can make it with his successor. karzai is going to come around. loya injury ga go jirga was held. i think that pressure will mount on him. >> general keene, i know one of the things that karzai is upset about is u.s. soldiers going into the homes of civil yaps in afghanistan. what do we need to do as we
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are negotiating to try to get something inked and done? >> well, first of all, we have to be able to go into homes. that's where the enemy hides out. so the fact of the matter is, after we get a bilateral security agreement. and i'm convinced we will, we will still continue to have special operation forces. conducting raids against high value targets hiding. we need to have those authorities if we are going to be able to conduct the kind of operations we need to do. i'm convinced we will eventually get there. >> finally, general, democracy doesn't seem to have made the middle east any more stable pro-person american. wouldn't it be easier to install a pro-american leader in afghanistan? well, we have had hult mel elections now. it's really in the afghan's hands. they are going to have an election here pretty soon. we will get a new president. i don't think it will be a
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transformational leader. somebody who will make some incremental change to what we already have. it will take us multi-generations to get to a mature democracy much as it did in korea. sometimes our expectations are far too much in terms of being able to impose democracy in these countries that have no history of it. >> thanks for sure. general keene thanks for joining us. >> have a good day. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. you can really teach kids about the gettysburg address without mentioning the civil war and abraham lincoln? according to the government's new education standards you sure can, next. >> that's just unbelievable. >> and forget about the pope, guess who is this year's choice for "times" man of thier? miley cyrus. we will explain that or attempt to.
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>> quick headlines for you. investigation is underway to figure out what caused a commuter ferry from new york city to crash into new jersey pier. the ferry was carrying 24 passengers and three crew members when this crashed. seven people were hurt. should be just fine according to doctors. suspending incognito's suspension but no longer go without a paycheck. as part of an agreement he will be paid retroactively and receive game checks next two weeks. amended to $232,000 each. clayton. >> is it possible to teach students the meaning behind president lincoln's famous gettysburg address without mentioning the civil war.
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according to the common core education standards that's the best way to do it. forget about the civil war. told remain from giving background context or substantial instructor gid dance. the close reading forces students to rely exclusively on the text and level playing field for those seeking to comprehend lincoln's address. with us is jim surgess. >> jim, when you first heard of these standards, this particular piece of information as it relates to gettysburg address, what was your response? >> there is a nationwide controversy around common core what it means for kids in the classroom and my organization pioneers who has done the most research on this in the country, there are lots of reasons why we are probably one of the most foremost opponents of common core. the standards themselves are mediocre. they cut the amount of literature in the classroom by about half. they constitute billions of dollars in unfunded mandates
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in states and localities. even if you set aside the constitutional question whether the federal government should be involved in education, there are three federal statutes that prohibit the federal government from having any critic la choices and instructional practice guides. this article, and there are hundreds of articles written around the country because teachers and legislators and parents are coming to understand what this means because it's being implemented now. this one article in the "the washington post" highlights that there is a 30 page instructional practice guide that says to teachers exactly what you said. refrain from mentioning any of this. the thing is, this is not an anomaly within common core. part of their reading philosophy, if you will. the idea is that in their minds it's unfair to suppose that kids have some sort of historical context for this stuff. >> unfair? >> they say it's unfair. this is called race to the top but it seems to me race
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to the bottom. they are rushing for the least common denominator. i couldn't agree with you more. diane ravitch says: president reagan -- president lincoln standing there the cons is he creation of that cemetery. how you cannot be able to describe the context of that war in the classroom providing those -- those incredible words that president lincoln said that day? >> i completely agree. look, no mention of that thing called the civil war. no mention of the a 1,000 americans, confederate and union who died there no mention of the purpose of lincoln can's trip. removing human agency from history which is really truly remarkable. for folks out there who are windchilling it who say is
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this just one weak link in an overall solid package of standards? the fact is no, the architect of common core is now the head of the college board. the entity that develops the sat and other college tests as recently as october he restated his position. he said there is no reward, quote, unquote, for students to seek to understand the purpose of lincoln's trip. onto me that sounds a lot like maybe the kids will get some sound, they won't get any fury and no reason and signify nothing. >> to understand that the night before in the town's square he was sitting in the room writing it out on the backs of envelopes and working on that speech and not understand that context is a travesty for american history. the executive director of pioneer institute. thanks for joining us this morning bright and early. >> clayton, thanks for having me. >> coming up here on the show, shopping frenzy caught on camera. taser fight. violence breaking out over black friday. was the deal really worth it? as you hit the road for the
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holidays, brand new study revealing the most annoying driver in your family. who do you think it is? stick around. it's donut friday at the office. and i'm low man on the totem pole. so every friday morning they send me out to get the goods. but what they don't know is that i'm using my citi thankyou card at the coffee shop, so i get 2 times the points. and those points add up fast.
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world? >> you are it. quitsy. you you are it. >> guy! enough! >> one of my favorite movies ever. >> that happens. >> incredible rate. >> it's thanksgiving weekend. chances are you are on the road this weekend. the question is maybe something you are already thinking about, who is the most annoying person to drive with? there is actually a study on this. >> overwhelmingly, i am actually kind of surprised by this. i thought it it would have been the 3-year-old in the back who constantly asks you for things and you want them to quiet down for a few moments? no, number one, is my spouse. 36% of you said that your spouse was the most annoying person who drive with. >> followed by a friend at 22%. my mother, 16%. my father 9%. other 8%. my teenage son 5%. my teenage daughter 4%. >> this just shows how completely irrational people are. that whether or not a person is annoying is not correlated at all to whether or not can he drive. your spouse presumably is a
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good driver, adult, right? >> you think. >> your teenage sunday and teenage daughter. i have teenage daughter who drives. just flat out dangerous. >> sometimes the people you get the most mad at are the people you love the most, too. not getting mad about the driving. you are getting mad because you didn't take the trash out earlier and left the toothpaste all over the sink and stuff like that. maybe these other problems add up a. and that's why you spouse? >> my wife complains i drive too fast why don't do you that? complain that she drives like a grandma. constantly hits the brake. her sister calls her brakester. she rides the brake the whole time. stop doing that stop doing that we have allowed us to have three complaints in the car. after have you used up allotment of three. you can't complain on the road trip anymore. >> you know what the key is, i have decided? flying? >> no, that's worse. >> no one is ever mad at the pilot for flying in an annoying way. just fly.
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>> take some dramamine which happens to me with the gas and the brakes, the two feet drivers that do the gas and brake all the time. take dramamine pass out and all the annoying habits go away anyway. >> the reason trarges not annoying in car texting with their phone or driving. >> do i have a teenage daughter over here? i didn't even know i did. let us know what you think. oh, here. the most annoying driving habit. following too closely to another driver. >> driving too fast. that's not annoying. driving too slow say 10%. >> another thing that drives me nuts is if you have the windows down in the front but not in the back and then the pressure going down the highway hurts your ears. >> helicopter sound? >> dad flicks a cigar ash on you in the backseat. >> playing with the heater and making them too hot? who is the most annoying
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person for you to drive with weekend. >> throwing cash out the car window. rick reichmuth never annoying standing by. >> taxi driver who can't keep the pressure on the accelerator? it's this constant like pumping of the gas. >> it makes you completely motion sick. especially when you are texting which is what i am doing in the backseat. all that cold air we have been dealing with, retreated back up into canada and alaska which is where most of us would like it to be but don't get used to it. coming back again in a really big way by wednesday of this week. temps are going to be around 35 to 40 degrees below your averages across much of the western part of the country, certainly the rockies. the cold air is coming again. this morning you are not looking all that bad across the u.s. we are going to watch a little bit of a disturbance
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mf across the northeast tomorrow and into monday. nothing that's going to cause major problems. dusting across interior sengszs with some snow. keep a little bit of cloud cover and maybe a quick shower anywhere from new york city off to the east. tomorrow though, i guess a lot of people thinking about heading back home after this holiday, and the airports are going to be looking great. no big problems expected at all. cool temperatures around the great lakes. for the most part see plenty of sunshine. one little problem the pacific northwest but not a ton of flights originate out of there. we aren't relying on those airplanes but see some delays around the seattle and portland area. >> thanks, rick. a lot of people weighing in already. a lot of men saying they are the worse. mark shepard sesame, the more i drive the better. >> that's very aware of you. >> or maybe an excuse to take a snooze. >> on to the rest of your morning headlines a illness strikes on the las vegas strip. 13 kids and five adults hospitalized after getting
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sick at the rio hotel. early signs point to food poisoning. officials say it will take time to pinpoint a cause. flu like symptoms we can't tell. we don't know the source it could be airborne virus or could be foodborne. we don't know the answer to that. >> a full investigation is planned. children were part of a football team visiting from california for a tournament. the mom who made national headlines when she posted posted this photo you are about to see what's the excuse has been temporarily banned from facebook. maria king, known as the fit mom, wrote a post complaining about a group thean courages plus size women to post photos of itemselves in lingerie to show what real women look like. if her post she wrote we need to change this strange mentality we are breeding in the mentality in the united states. post flag by another user and. the post was taken down by mistake and reinstated her profile.
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maria is going to join us 8:20. hear what she thinks about all of it. post your comints on our facebook page. what do you think about all of this? forget the pope? it's "time" magazine readers have their way, meet the 2013 person of the year. ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ i never. >> miley cyrus has 26% of the votes. that puts the queen of twerk way ahead of the year's other news makers like nsa edward snowden. according to the magazine the editorial board will ultimately pick the winner not the online reader's poll. >> thank you, anna. thank you for this is the last point at the end which made me feel a lot better. >> it was black friday yesterday. this weekend one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.
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things turned violent. disturbing trend. here is a round up across the country if you didn't get to see some of stuff. philadelphia, a woman pulled out a stun gun to fire at a shopper during a brawl as she wanted some electronic device and she was fighting over that she was escorted out of the mall by security. don't use a taser. >> in virginia two men arrested after a spat turned violent over a dispute of a parking spot. >> over a parking spot. and, florida, a man facing a felony child neglect charge for, get this, leaving his 2 month old alone locked in the car while he shopped in best buy. >> isn't it okay to leave a 2 month old alone in the car? they can fend for themselves. >> nobody will hear them if cry. no big deal. >> how did a holiday designed to make us reflect what we should be grateful for in the country and how wonderful place it is did i involve into shopping holiday. >> big business baby.
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>> for real though. >> it's such a zoo out there. i can't handle it and don't go out there. i don't think it's good family time for me but for a lot of people this has become a family tradition and do spend time with their family. instead of lying out. >> they stand in line all night. >> more and more stores as we saw this year took over and decided to open their doors on thanksgiving evening. this year it has the run it indicated shopping season. >> i'm sorry. i know we will get a lot of hate mail for. this i read a piece the other day that says a large majority of people standing in line are not doing it to buy loved ones for people for christmas but buy something for themselves. i think there is something gross about it. >> best gadgets for dad. don't stand in line for that order them all online. sit at home and still spend time with your loved ones and avoid all that mess. >> coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. remember when the white house called benghazi a phony scandal? well apparently obamacare is
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as well. we will tell you the who, we will tell you who said that and why it might be coming straight from the obama administration. upgrade to the philips norelco sensotouch 3d for the most advanced shaving experience. with gyroflex 3d technology, you can get to those hard to reach places for the ultimate shave wet or dry. guaranteed. visit now to save $30. huma. even when weross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why, at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify.
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go. go. that's a nice shot. [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grreat! my boyfriend has a lot of can't-miss moments. i checked out the windows phones and saw the lumia 10 has 41 megapixels. so i can zoom way in even after i take the picture. and i can adjust the shot before i take it so i get it exactly how i want. so, i went with a windows phone. maybe i just see things other people don't. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪
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today is the obama administration's deadline to improve while the program's problems are evident, very evident, the press has been showing their support with positive news coverage. and now the "new york times" paul krugman, a reliable white house lap dog is comparing the obamacare scandal to benghazi. wrote this in his column. conservatives are operating on the assumption it's irredeemable disaster that they can ride all the way to 2016. but the facts on the ground are getting better by the day. obamacare will turn into obamacare. nobody cares about. >> here now the seton motley. thanks for joining us this
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morning. >> less government. not big government. >> less government. so i guess the point here well is two fold. krugman is suggesting that benghazi is not a real scandal. going on to say that in three years from now, obamacare will actually be a help to the president and not something that's going to hurt democrats. do you buy that? >> well, they have to say that because the man in charge, president obama is not backing down. so they can't back down. it's very difficult to imagine five to 6 million people or policy holders, let be clear about that getting home from their day at work likely shortened by obama care, opening their mail over the kitchen counter, getting a cancellation letter and then sitting down to the nbc nightly news and having brian williams tell them hey owe he bama care is fantastic. this is the best direct mail campaign that any conservative or republican campaign could come up with. it's all of these millions
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of cancellation letters. and, remember, they are phonying numbers up on their side. medicaid signups as wins. every cancelled policy is just a policy. finance a family of four, that's four people danged by obama care's one cancellation. so this -- unlike benghazi, which is real scandal, don't get me wrong, i'm going it mention this only as a way to the comparison as they are. vitally important to the four dead americans. vitally important to our national security. vitally important to the americans of four americans. doesn't reach the broader audience. unfortunately. >> know think it's an entirely fair point. >> fast and furious, brian terry's family is damaged. we should care about it. but we don't because it doesn't affect us directly the way coming home and getting that cancellation letter does water carrier
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for the obama that administration. >> does his back hurt yet? and democrats in general. you see this pattern where the white house faces some kind of scandal of its own making and immediately rallies the troops with meetings with left-wing media figures. there has been a ton of them. put it up on the screen, november 21st, 2003, in response to obamacare, june of 2000 ', response to nsa scandal. a.p. and james rosen spying scandals. december of 2012. in response to bush tax cut fight. when they have a problem. they take their message to their supporters in the media and there are many. will this continue to work? >> there was a little spiraled notebook in the green room here that said steno pad. and i imagine an outside journalist that covers the white house had been here. because there is -- stenographer pool. they are not a reporting pool. this is going to work less and less. because in 2009 when they were doing it, hope and
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change was gassy rhetoric. there was no meat on the bones yet. we are now five years into meat on the bones, and the cumulative effect of benghazi and fast and furious and irs, and james rosen, that's starting to seep out beyond the second watch that do this every day. combine that fact with, again, a million policy holders and families getting letters saying you are out of your insurance that you have had for a 5, 10, 12 years, it's just a coincidence this obamacare year. >> it's a little hard to blame bush for that for sure. >> it's getting -- if you had your policy since before the bush administration and all of a sudden it's cancelled probably not bush's fault. >> seton motley founder of less government. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you very much, sir. >> they say no good deed goes unpunished. meet the woman taking in those in need for 30 years into her own home.
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hello and good morning. it's saturday, the 30th of november, 2013. i'm anna kooiman. ready or not? it's d-day for the obamacare web site. it's not off to a good start. live in washington with the latest. >> and they say no good deed goes unpunished. meet the woman who has been taking those in need, according our war heros into our own home for over 30 years. why her city wants to shut her down, why we shae have to leave her own house. the story that infuriate you coming up. >> love taking pictures of your own kids? i do too. some people wrote and said those are pope hats. they are not pope hats. they are pilgrim hats.
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a, what out there, be careful. those snapshots can be too much of a good thing. taking too many photos of your kids? is that even possible? "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. hi, this is joe, watching "fox & friends." >> joe piscopo fan. >> how are you doing this morning? thank you so much for waking up on w. this "fox & friends" this morning. >> you have 59 minutes until the obamacare web site relaunches. >> can you handle it? >> i don't know. >> we are going to have to -- actually, we should have our audience this morning of mills millions of viewers test the web site. let's try it. >> the obama administration has stopped advertising. stopped pushing the web site because they don't want too many people to go on it. >> live look at the web site. check in to see if it's up and running throughout the show. call it a relaunch if you
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want. obama administration self-imposed deadline is here today. already off to a bit of a rocky start. james vofn in washington with the very latest on this. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning to you clayton, anna and tucker. is usually down for maintain men's 1 to a eastern time. according to a banner on home site. the site would be down from 9 eastern last night through will 8 eastern this morning. i did just try it and it seemed to be going okay. no explanation given for the outage. validate a prediction by the republican chairman of the house energy and commerce committee. we have been down this road before said congressman fred upton of michigan in a statement issued yesterday often. as officials looked us in the eye for months, pledging to the american people that everything was on track. and we now know what the chaos behind the scenes that it was on track for disaster. what reason do we have, upton concluded to believe things will be different
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now? for president obama, the last six weeks have brought great expectation and intense strain. the web site's problems coupled would with a wave of cancellation. undermining his assurances if people liked their policies they could keep them. with his job approval ratings hitting record lows, his competence and. the president sat for the first lady excruciating exercise described as a theater of national revenge the barbara walters interview. >> i got reelected in part because people did think i was trustworthy and they knew i was working on their behalf. the bottom line is, barbara, i don't know any president who hasn't gone through certain periods during their presidency. >> it's a hard job. i'm fortunate to be living with a man who has a long view of this job, who understands that in the case of healthcare, that this is
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all about the folks who don't have insurance. the folks that he sees every single day. >> administrators say 50,000 simultaneous users should be able to log in to today. 800,000 over the course of the day. back to you in new york. >> we're going to check it. over to the great james rosen. >> it could be a make or break moment for the president. >> very artic could you la that man snch sounds like the web site is going to be loading a little bit better than before. maybe more ecstatically pleasing. buff we found out that the part of the web site that is used to basically pay the insurers, hasn't even been built yet according to the "wall street journal." >> but it's pretty though. it's really pretty. the obama administration saying through a spokesman last night that today is not a, quote, magic day. this is not a relaunch of the obama in care web site. wait a second, wasn't it kathleen sebelius say to congress this was a magic day. we have been waiting three years, hundreds of millions
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of dollars this is the day and it's not going to work. here is the question. why hasn't she been fired? >> why has no one been fired for this debacle inside the white house? >> rejiggering and creating a war room. jeffrey zions creating war room to look at the engineering. no one was fired. instead what they did was brought them all together in one room so they can work more collaboratively. >> she got up in front of congress saying november 30th this will be done and if not, today is the day, we have 55 minutes until this relaunch and it's not going to work. >> success is only 80%, mind you. if it's working 80% for the majority of the people for the majority of the time then it's going to, with. i think it's a lot easier to reboot a web sight though than it is to, you know, power down or to reboot the trust of the american people what's that what allen west is saying about this. the president's credibility is being called into question. >> this is erode in the
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confidence and credibility not just of the obama administration but of president obama himself. and even worse, the political ramifications it's going to have that goes throughout the democrat party is going to be absolutely chilling. because they can't explain this away anymore. i believe that you will see internal pressure within the democrat party to say we have got to put this thing on time-out. we have got to, you know, look at how do we go back to the drawing board, really. now, the question is, is the president willing to set aside his arrogance and really look at this healthcare law, this policy and say, you're right, with this thick is total -- this thing is totally unworkable. >> what a shame this would be if the only take away from obamacare is that the president lacks credibility. the president is leaving in three years. we should take a deeper look what this means. this calls into question the ideas behind obamacare. is it a good idea that we are all in this together? can the government administer something as complicated as the american healthcare system? these are the questions
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should be talking about. is it believable? he will be gone. >> the stays are doing pretty well. new york state web site working pretty well. when you get the federal government, and federal government marshall be all of your resources you have issues. >> why don't i take responsibility for my own healthcare. here is a radical thought. maybe it's up to me to buy my own health insurance and make sure my family is covered. not up to dad in the federal government. >> nope. you have until december 23rd to get on healthcare otherwise you get a penalty. >> 53 minutes until we figure out what the web site is going to be looking like on the deadline. other morning. breaking news overnight. fox news alert out of alaska where four people have been killed after a small plane went down there overnight. infant boy among the dead as well as the plane's pilot. the single engine cessna crashed near the village of st. mary's. 10 people on board at the time. no word on the company of the others. to glasco, scotland now
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where six people have been killed after a helicopter crashed into a busy pub. the bar packed with 100 people at the time. three people on board the helicopter. two officers and also a civilian. still no word on their condition. witnesses say the whole scene was horrific. >> i don't know why -- huge plume of smoke came. you could hear people screaming. >> still unclear what caused the cash. one eyewitness saying the chopper dropped like a stone. and brand new video released overnight showing an american war veteran captured it north korea. you may remember merrill new newman was dragged off the plane leaving the country more than a month ago. video released by a state run news agency. it shols newman apologizing for crimes he committed during the korean war. the communist statement is notorious from staples from
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prisoners. also releasing this signed apology from newman. you see there dust is settling from the black friday. not before people got hurt and even went to jail. >> i mean, this is crazy video here coming to us from philadelphia where a woman apparently used a stun gun on another woman in an all-out brawl in a busy mall. look at that. >> it ruins it for people now. you want to go out and then you see stuff like this. you are like i don't want to go out and get beat up over a pair of socks. >> you think? a spokesperson for the mall says the women were escorted out. wow. and two men arrested in virginia after a brawl over a parking spot. and one of them ended up stabbing the other. both are facing assault charges. don'tlet -- today is small business saturday which encourages shoppers to spend money at local businesses. support mom and pop.
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>> or you could stay home and spend time with your family. >> there is a thought. >> i like that thought. >> three days in a row of family time. >> you have got to get to the mall. >> get out of here. >> bring your taser when you go to the mall. >> you might have a point on that wednesday. wednesday, thursday, friday, by saturday you are like all right, i give. i'm going. well, it's going to be a little bit chilly. not that bad. we had all the big travel troubles getting home on that wednesday before thanksgiving. rest of the weekend looking great. cooler temperatures but not horribly cold temperatures anywhere. really everything is pretty dry. see a few showers across coastal areas of the carolinas and florida. nothing that's going to cause any problems. snow moving across into canada. that will get in across parts of new england tomorrow afternoon but a light dusting. the rest of the west looking good. storm moving in the pacific northwest. it's going to change everything a lot. take a look at our temperatures. today everything is pretty benign. tomorrow pretty benign.
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monday we warm up across the south and high plains. tuesday though in across the pacific northwest and wednesday cold air is on its way and by the time we get to thursday, far go you will be lucky to get out of the below zero range. big changes, see things warm up in the east. cool down out across parts of the west but really really really cold. >> like minus 20, minus 2 a possibly. >> don't vacation the hudson bay region of canada right now is what you are saying? >> not right now. >> go outside with exposed skin. >> exactly. >> always a good rule. thanks, rick. let's talk about proving that no good deed goes unpunished in this country, let's go out to lawrence, kansas, this morning, a woman living in her home for 26 years has often invited those in need into her home to sleep there, give them hot meals. so much so that these people are, you know, not necessarily return visitors but they come when they need help to get some shelter, certainly during these cold winter months, now, turns out she has been violating a
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city ordinance for the amount that she has had in her home. helped about 90 people over the last three decades. domestic violence victims. homeless victims, military members, but there is the city ordinance that says that there are more than three people under one roof who are unrepresented and not allowed. the city has been turning a blind eye or they didn't know it was going on what have you. a neighbor has complained about it. so now this woman is not sure what to do. she has ha for sale sign in her yard. she may move away so she can continue helping people. >> a law was passed to allow boarding houses from popping up in a neighborhood. she is not running a border house. she is competing with the government which believes it has a monday nopefully on helping other people. they want to crush individual initiative behind helping your neighbors. >> we don't know and we will talk to debbie. he she will join us 9:30 on
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the show. people wandering the streets out in the yard. became a bit of a nuisance for neighbors? did the city get wind of it because of that. >> do you think she is doing a better job helping those in need or the local protective services agency which one do you think is doing a better job of helping people and who is doing it more effectively? >> weigh in. hit us up on facebook or twitter. we will be talking to her later in the show. thanked to the botched rollout now even the president's party. can dems survive election in 2014? fair and balance deed bait next. >> we all know the movie the christmas story. but you never knew it was almost never made. 30 years ago how this movie almost never came to be. ♪ ♪ etables
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gone up and down pretty consistently throughout. the good thing about when you are down usually you have got nowhere to go but up. >> president seeing low approval ratings right now. caused many in his party to distance themselves. who is with n. worse shape the eyeing the presidency or those -- a lack of success right now. here to discuss this is fox news contributor and contributing editor and writer for the american conservative magazine jim pinkerton and bureau chief for talk radio news service ellen rattner. good to see both of you. >> thank you. >> jim, let's start with you. are these things mutually exclusive? >> clearly the fate of the democrats in 2014 is kind of disconnected from the president. i mean, back in 2010, the
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democrats took a licking in the midterm elections and of course the president went on to get reelected in 2012. i think we are seeing another situation probably similar now in 2014 when you look at the real clear politics generic ballot which is to say do you want to see a republican or democrat win for congress in your area? the republicans are up a point now. they were down six points right after the shutdown. just in october. and so now they are up one. and i think that if you look at the way the democrats are behaving in terms of keeping their distance from the president, i think they are clearly smelling trouble for themselves ala 2010 or perhaps 19994. president obama trying to calm fears with them and maybe move that march 31st deadline for obamacare. some of the democrats trying to distance themselves. >> i don't know if that's true. much faster. less than a second, used to
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take 8 seconds. california is definitely up in terms of its people. these kind of glitches are just going to be short in the memory in the long run in 2014 when the site is fixed and when it's operating. i'm not worried. >> but, web site aside though, jim, structurally does obamacare work? the problems with the young people signing up? we saw those nfl ads rolled out to try to rope in some of the younger people not signing up so forget the web site. >> right. you can forget the web site and including the gruesome article in "newsweek" up now about -- the company cgi on all their waste, fraud and abuse documents. simple m.r.i. go to the reality on whether more people are going to have health insurance in november of 2014 because they signed up on obamacare as opposed to they lost it because their policy didn't rate. look, the challenge here for the republicans is to keep this issue front and center how did this happen and
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remind voters in addition are you happy with the economy? >> health care costs have gone down all over for this country. and it's really due to some the structural changes in obamacare. i think the democrats actually have something winning, jim, i really do. democrats up in 2014 don't agree with you, running the other direction. every democrat in a red state is desperate to find some way to vote against, repeat against obamacare. they voted for it the first time. >> they may -- jim and ellen thanks for joining us this morning. we hope you have a wonderful weekend. thanks for getting up with us. >> thank you. >> best story you will hear all day. beloved pooch went missing after a tornado separated him from thinks owner. how he was recovered under the rubble a week later. not sure what to get the man in your life for christmas? stick around. my gadget guide for dads is next. that's why we are doing this
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buy your father another tie or socks for christmas. that's not what he really wants. what he really wants is a gangted. of course he does. tech gifts any kind guy would love in his stocking or under his tree if it's a little bigger is clayton morris. good morning. >> good morning and nice to see all of you. thanks for having me. let's dig into some of these gadgets. these are some i would love and any guy would be thrilled to have in his house. 180 blue toort ear warmer.
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wrap around your ears. >> keep your ears warm. >> i was out raking leaves and listening to music. >> i think your neighbors told me about that. >> smart phone. wonderful if you are walking around in the city, out fishing and listen to music and not freeze your ears off with ear buds. >> people love it being from the south when you see people in ear muffs you are like what are you wearing? they look cool too. >> those are mass could masculiy make women version as well. cobra easier things to drive. airway 360. it fits right in your cup holder. they slide it right into your cup holder and it is blue tooth stereo it also works with serrie and s voice. talk to it and say hey, call my mom it will do that. pull it out of your cup holder out of your car and take it to your barbecue outback and grilling room filling sound. >> used to make radar detectors. >> make excellent radar detectors. >> the fit bit force.
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i love fit bit. i wear it. it helped me lose 30 pounds by tracking every day your steps, your calories and the amount of stairs you climb. fits on your wrist. thicker. more of their masculine fit bit for men. they have a whole line up of them but i really enjoy. this also has sleep timers in too. wakes you up with silent alarm. >> you will be part of it. >> from the company ventef great chargessers and battery cases and others. show off battery charger. double the life of your smart phone. slide your phone right inside of it what i like about this as opposed to some of the other battery chargers out there. plug this into iphone and ability to use your own head phones. don't need extending piece. >> doesn't look heavy. >> how much is that? >> it will double the battery life for only 69.99.
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>> all this concern over the cloud and who has access to your information and the nsa snooping and looking at things? what don't you create your own personal cloud in your house. that way i can share photos and files, whatever using the transporter sync swap them out any time you want. then you just give access to whoever you want to have access to those files and folders. >> obama administration is knot get into this? you ever positive. >> we hope they can't. >> is this user friendly though can the technologically challenge? >> this company so good created a ceet for viewers this morning. if you want to get 10% right now. go to their web site file and use the fox 10. great gift for the man in your life. if you have got an ipad and you like the accessories for the ipad air case from logitech just came out this
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week. it turns ipad into keyboard case. want to do traveling with the keyboard. slides down, snaps on and whole keyboard case. blue tooth works great. don't have to charge this thing for weeks and weeks and weeks. ridiculous. >> not too bulky or heavy. >> i use one. >> i gave up the laptop. >> with the logitech case. larger one. ipad mini as well from logitech. if you missed any of these. i will answer your questions on twitter i'm at clayton morris. any questions about these devices are available today. >> let us know if you have success. clayton showed us a big huge tv deal yesterday. one of our viewers sent a picture of him buying and hanging on the wall. thank you. >> dozens sick and nobody knows why. the miss strif illness rocking tourist spotted this morning. >> love taking pictures of your kids? p a warnings for farnts be careful. sthach shots can be too much
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of a good thing. narcissism alert coming up. once upon a time, an insurance clerk stumbled upon a cottage. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness.
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just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive. [ ding ] i sense you've overpacked, your stomach. try pepto to-go. it's pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours,
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but your peanuts... are mine. ♪
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experts are warning that taking too many photographs of your children may be a bad thing might make
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themself centered giving them the impression that he they're at the very center of the world? are more rest pictures a recipe for making your children narcissist. >> during thanksgiving i got out the proper cam rand a snapped a photo. they are hams for it though. my little girl now when i pull out my smart phone to take a photo. she is one, she goes cheese. >> so is that bad? is she becoming self-centered? >> you have cute kids. many parents want to preserve the moment through photographs. there is nothing wrong with that. you got to wonder if taking too many photographs. see kids taking pictures of themselves. how did they get this way. how did they become convinced that picture of themselves is the most interesting thing to photograph. i think they learn it from their parents. >> i don't think this is necessarily don't send your kids to the local mall and take a picture with santa claus type of a story. it's just, you know,able aware of it that's just the way our society is. look at facebook and
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twitter. all the social media is about meme meme me. and really the way we look. this is similar to the idea we have heard of don't tell your little girl she is a princess all the time. she is going to think she is a princess. >> take a look at a story gives kids overly important. think of themselves as the center of the universe. self-focusing stimuli makes children feel self-conscious. are you never take a photo of your kid. >> telling your kids they are wonderful will all the time. they don't buy it he they know it's phoney. kid know what false praise is the message to kids should be you are defined what you do. you are born wonderful. now are not. you are born really flawed. we are falling to the point is redeem yourself by doing things for other people. achieving something. doing something impressive. >> telling your kid you are smart. you are so smart actually sets them up for failure then they don't want to try to do risky things that might make them look less
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smart down the line. let us know what you think about this. and tweet us at ff weekend as well. rick was always praised when he was growing up. >> look what happened. >> yeah, right. >> rick when we did the selfie picture he was like do i really have to do this? that's the truth. >> most selfies that rick sends disappear after 10 on snap chat. >> that's not true. take a look at your weather maps, guys. really incredible pictures sent in to me from who houghton take a look at ice sculptures formed along the coast. incredible shot dot sent in to me. get up to 31.
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see a passing snow flurry or two. nothing accumulate too much. temps are going to be good for the next few days. much colder by the end of the week. keep sending pictures rick reichmuth on twitter or on my facebook page. chill the last couple of days. down so the southeast also some chilly temperatures. be at least into the 60's across texas. a slight warm-up from where you have been. cool temperatures around areas of the northern plains. out across the west, things are looking pretty good. next storm will pull into the pacific northwest by later on today, bringing little rain and mountain tan snow. great weekend in general for your return to home. could not ask for better travel condition bees. that was not in the freezing mark. you don't have a coat on o. >> i t. is really cold out here. >> you are so silly. thanks, rick. >> rick reichmuth of arizona. fantastic. >> we have other news stories making headlines. we will get to those.
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mystery illness strikes? las vegas strip. hospitalized after getting sick at the rio hotel. dozens more complained of feeling under the weather. early signs point to food poisoning. officials say it will take time to pinpoint a cause. >> the flu like symptoms we can't tell. we he don't know that right now. we don't know the source. it could be airborne virus or could be foodborne. we don't know the answer to that. >> officials say they will conduct a full investigation. the children were part of a football team visiting for a tournament. and caught on camera. incredible video shows the moment a fire truck in memphis losing control arriving on scene averaging blaze. >> oh [bleep] what the -- >> officials blamed bad brakes, even though they say the truck was inspected just hours before. the department says the truck was a 20-year-old backup. the newer engine was in the repair truck. despite the accident,
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firefighters on board geared up and battled that fire. talk about a lucky dog. 6-foot pit bull is found alive. get. get this. the pope had to be taken be from the debris using hot dogs. he was a bit mal-nourish and had a a. >> this month marks the 30 anniversary of christmas movie the christmas story and it turns out of the story was almost never told. >> i want a red action air rifle. >>. no shoot your eye out. >> you will shoot your eye out. jean shepard who wrote the 1983 comedy. he turned down several offers from film studios including disney. he fought over the movie's title going through dozens of names before settling on christmas story.
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name shepard never even liked. apparently. marathon christmas day. christmas eve i guess it runs like all kay on tnt. >> that and the yule log. >> i love the yule. >> so do i. millions tune in to hear his conservative views here on fox news. it wasn't always that way for charles krauthammer. his rationallable political and personal journey. that's coming up. >> a new cut of meat is about to hit your plate. details of the brand new discovery. where they found this on the cow you? are not going to believe this. she's always been able to brighten your day. it's just her way. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny:i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. [ male announcer ] they are a glowing example of what it means to be the best. and at this special time of year, they shine even brighter. come to the winter event and get the mercedes-benz you've always wished for, now for an exceptional price. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 e350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. h sleigh bells♪ouncer ] lease the 2014 e350 for $579 a month there's still time for big savings at bass pro shops 5 day sale. like buy one get one free on these men's and ladies' thermal crews and pants. and take 25% off under armour tackle twill hoodies. and this weekend, don't miss free giveaways,
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hourly prize drawings and more.
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quick headlines new, dial zero for armageddon. a brand new report veels a startling secret 2 years during the cold war. code launch missile was frightening simple. 8 zeros. >> unbelievable. the report was made so simple to make the weapons as quick and easy to launch as possible. >> and, for the first time in 10 years, a new cut of steak has been discovered, coming come to your crean sand check out where it is. it is being being called the vegas strip. a man with a ph.d. in meat science found it hiding in a fatty and gristle area of the cow normally used for chuck. he is the same guy who discovered the flat iron as well. >> this guy is a genius. i want to try that piece of steak. >> thank you, science. >> well, many people tune in every night for expert analysis on "special report." surprise winning writer. political commentator and
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physician, a board certified psychiatrist. also a great guy. new book things that matter collection of writings on government and life. his views have not always been what they are today. i sat down with charles in our d.c. bureau the other day to talk to him about his philosophical journey from liberal to conservative. here is what he said. >> so charles, in the course of putting together this book, you had to reread everything have you written for the past 230 odd years. what did you notice about the progression of your thinking on politics? >> well, how dumb i was at the beginning. [ laughter ] >> in my early years, which was the 1980s, i gan my career on the day ronald reagan was first sworn n 1981. and i had always been been a hardliner on foreign policy i been one of those what were called national security democrats or cold war liberals so. my writing in the 1980s on policy is not much different than from what it would be today. i was writing for a liberal
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magazine but i wrote a lot of stuff stuff. one editorial i wrote for the new republic attacking the nuclear freeze is the dumbest idea of the decade. caused more cancelled subscriptions to that magazine than any in the previous history of the magazine. >> congratulations. >> i was extremely proud. >> my hero at the time when i was in my 20's, was that senator from washington state scoop jackson. tough on the soviets. but soft on domestic policy. i handed out leaflets for him in the 1976 democratic primary in massachusetts. but then during the 80's and 90's on domestic policy i changed. i didn't have an ah-ha moment. i didn't have any pif pitt epiphany the social science, empirical evidence started coming. in it showed not only did it
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not do anything, not only was the money wasted but it was destroying the communities it was supposed to help. i'm open to empirical evidence. i was a physician, you know. if you give your patients a pill and it's killing them, you stop giving the medicine. and i think it's the old adage, you know, winston churchill said if you are not a socialist when you are 20 you have no heart. if you are still a socialist when you are 50 you have no head. i developed a head over those years. >> you have evolved this far over the last 30 odd years philosophically. where are you still evolving? what is your mind changing on. >> i stopped evolving about 20 years ago. >> good for you. >> i'm frozen. i haven't had a new idea since 1990. you know, evolution only takes you so far. changing my views on domestic policy was not that great a leap. i still believe in the
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ideals intensions of a deep society. society has an obligation to the helpless and those who can't help themselves obligation that the elderly should not be destitute. reactionary. refuses aat that particular time institutions established a century ago. which were appropriate a century ago. social security was instituted in 1936. life expectancy at the time was 62. it's now 80. the idea that you hear from pelosi and reid and other democratic leaders that we are not going to touch a hair on the head of social security is simply insane. if you don't adapt it to longevity and you don't adapt it to the high tech medicine have to the change in demographics. it's going to die. i think it's the conservatives ultimately are the ones who are realistic about how to retain these ideals.
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>> more on the show from that interview with charles krauthammer. he has harsh criticism for the president's foreign policy and a lot of interesting things to say. stay tuned for that. remember fit mom? she made headlines for this. what's your excuse. now she is being banned from facebook. can you hear why and decide if that's fair. >> looking for the perfect post? burn off that turkey. here is the top workout moves to feel fit after feasting ♪ are you all ready for this? ♪ , mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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>> well, here is your news by the numbers. first, 772 pounds.
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that's the weight of a black bear caught and killed in the commonwealth of pennsylvania by a hunter. this is the largest recorded black bear caught during the state annual hunt: how much more money a year men work close to their mothers. 75-year-old. boys close to their mom also performed better at work. as the at least up to a incident to. only pear of blue suede shoes elvis presley actually ever owned. iconic 10s are up for sale on the site julien's auction. >> thanks, tucker. i just placed a bid. how can we make sure to stay fit and take the pounds off this holiday season. >> the fitness instructor and personal trimmer behind slimnastic have us feeling the burn. >> even one meal on
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thanksgiving i have heard estimates up to $4,500. ace fitness says 3,000. >> got to get rid of it black friday saturday. we are going to do a gratitude yoga flow. >> why did everyone say i needed to get my body back in shape? that's why i'm involved. >> looking good. >> bare foot too so right in the spirit. >> i'm fired up. >> after you warm up and do some sun salutations. warrior 3 pose is standing on one leg. stand on left leg, hinge at the hips. keeping a flat back. your back foot is flexed. pushing behind you. now, you make this a slimnasticy boost. coming back up. i added a little one legged squat that you might have seen from boot camp. boot camp meets joe go. >> so your back. >> is it normal to hear your
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knee cab pop. is i did just hear that i think it's because you haven't used it in a while. get it oiled up. >> how many reputations? >> five to 10 on each day. >> tin man over here. >> another move that will work your abs, your six pack. >> we all need that. come back to the floor. arms shoulders over the wrist. then you keep your chicken wings in by your side lower. this is called khataronga. >> you are doing great, clayton. >> are we done yet? >> i'm just watching. >> this is a problem area for women in particular. >> how many of these do you want to do? >> do a to 10. >> how about 4? >> and then we're going combine them. take your right leg. lift your hips and sweet sweep it underneath into a lung. now come up warrior three. come back down.
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>> bend your knee. step back into and try pushup. other leg pull it in and as i do this keep the gratitude going from thanksgiving so i say thank you my strong arms. thank you, clayton for your strong. >> legs? my strong heart? >> abs? thank you for our health. thanks for family time. >> if you you have a healthy body and you can work out. no excuses. work out because couldn't appreciate your healthy body that allows you to do. >> a lot of these is strength training essentially but getting your heart rate up too. you really are getting your heart rate up so when you recover you come down into down dog inverted g. seen this in yoga poses engaging up back which is posture. you do your pushups working chest muscles. work the opposing muscle group the try september here, upper back.
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>> clayton is enjoining the nice. >> find more information. >> nikki is shy slimnastics book and dvd. >> the white house's self-imposed deadline to get the obama site up is just minutes away will the president keep his promise? live in washington in just minutes. >> ground victoria secret angel losing her whippings? wanted to hear why? you won't believe it there are seniors who have left hundreds of dollars of savgs on the table by not choosing the rit medicare d plan. no one could hav left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors whoompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs prmacist, ll,
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[ camera shutter clicks ]
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en pictures coming up. >> first she raised eyebrows for say saying mom had no excuse for being being out of shape. facebook banning her for saying obese women shouldn't be proud of their bodies is that fair? that mom here to defend herself this hour. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. hey, everybody, this is dick vitale. you watching "fox & friends"? they are awesome, baby. >> i love that. i don't know who that was but i agree completely. >> welcome, it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. that brings us to a fox news alert. less than one minute ago the obama administration self-imposed obamacare web site deadline arrived.
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the one that kathleen sebelius announced to congress some weeks ago. is the site working. >> detroit to log on here it seems to be working quickly. that's the front end of it james, maybe logging on to the web site seeing seeing it ld maybe it's the back end structure turley issue they have to deal with. >> some of the intermediary steps. center from medicaid, medicare services which runs the web site was actually on wednesday when the spokesperson there cawptioned us that today would not mark the relaunch of the site and it would not be a quote, unquote magical day. >> because of the numerous upgrades in both software and hardware over the last month, on december 1st, will be able to handle 50,000 users at the same time. however, if there are extraordinarily high spikes in traffic, which exceed the site's capacity, consumers will be put in a new advanced cueing system that
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will give them an expecting wait time or allow them to be notified via email when they can return to the site. >> >> average launch time clocked to 8 seconds down to one second for most users. pages are said to be loading incorrectly less than 1% of the time and more visual ques have been added for navigation of the back end site. now to the back end problems that clayton was telling us about. major problems with verifying users identities when that ply for subsidized insurance coverage. the site is still not always translating accurate data#?t0 insurers. tools for processing payments to the insurers still have not even been built. i have also been logging on fairly consistently throughout the morning, guys, the site does seem to zip along just fine. my chief complaint none of the tags i click on none of
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them bring me to ebay? what's wrong with that? >> glitch girl appears to have gone. the girl that was made famous by her photo being used on the front, gone, right? >> she will have a reality show. >> along with obama girl both in ideological rehab right now. james rosen in washington. thank you very much. imagine in order to participate in the obamacare web site you have to provide your income and tax information how many people feel comfortable putting that into a is it really a good idea to put your tax information. >> aestheticly looking better. lag time doesn't appear to be as bad. loading pretty quickly. do you trust anybody with that information? it inadvertently could be sent to the wrong person or vulnerable to hackers. we have heard about problems with that, too. >> hundreds of millions. by the way, i can't repeat this enough. keep in mind it costs more to develop the site which is still not donathan it is going to cost to develop
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twitter or facebook. >> by a landslide. hundreds of millions of dollars. >> still not done. >> taken that money and sent it to six people for their coverage we would have many more people covered than we do today. >> why the president is having to rebuild. approval rating lowest point of his presidency and all of those people that have yet to sign up. more than 5 million people are going to lose their health insurance and have to sign up separately the march 31st deadline in place. have until 2014 to sign up right now. there is is even a countdown clock on the web site. the president sat down with barbara walters last night for a bit of an in-depth interview and talked about rebuilding his trust. listen to this are you worried you went be able to get things done because of this lack of support. >> well, barbara, if you remember, i have gone up and down pretty consistently throughout. the good thing about when you are down is that usually you have got nowhere to go but up. >> it's hard to sit opposite you, mr. president, and say
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this, but a lot of the criticism, it's personal. >> yes. >> people just don't think you are trustworthy. >> well, i don't think that's true, barbara. you know, the truth of the matter is that i got rye elected in part because people thought i was trustworthy and i was working on their behalf. >> you said you wanted to be a good one term president rather than a mediocre two term president. >> the best would be good two term president that's what i'm shooting for. >> got reelected. he sat for a lot of interviews like that which were puffy and soft. why are you so wonderful. notice didn't go in the midst of obamacare journalist like bret baier or pick a name out of the hats. ask him numbers based. instead he and his wife went on with this lifestyle journalist and host of "the view." >> actual questions and challenging him if you want to keep your doctor you can keep your doctor. if you want to keep your
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healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. very few journalists journaliste challenging at all. closed bubble that the president was in during the campaign not even doing press conferences. access to the president. >> another interview with us weekly. >> all those things turned out to be false. are these going to be falsehoods as well. the spin we saw from the white house at the end of the week too. officials brought in white house reporters and said take a virtual tour of the web site. they had an it specialist come in and look at their command center to see what it all looked like. if you remember, this is the same administration that blamed the web site's problems on heavy volumes of traffic, which we learned was not the problem at all. it was glitches and bugs that hadn't been worked out. >> we have learned they were learned about the problems months in advance. volume and traffic had little to nothing to do with the actual problems. >> i went on the road first time with obama six years ago.
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he has been at this many many years. first time in six years i have ever seen him lose control of the news narrative for the last six weeks where you have seen critical stories about obama proceeding six years puff piece after puff piece after puff piece. they don't know how to deal with him. >> this week we saw mainstream media pieces looks like obama web site all better long. chugging along. might have been a fleeting glimpse. >> really could be the tipping point for other democrats as well. they may be running for the hills if this web site isn't rolling the way that they say tomorrow, too. >> we do have other headlines to get to. a lot of breaking news overnight. fox news alert out of alaska where four people have been killed. after a small plane went down overnight. infant boy is among the dead. as well as the plane's pilot. the single engine says that crashed near the village of st. mary's in the western part of the state. 10 people on board at the time. no word on condition of the others. and on to another fox news
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alert now. glasco, scotland where at least one person killed after a police helicopter crashed into a busy pub. police expecting that number to rise because over 100 people were in the bar at the time. i don't know why. -- huge plume of smoke came over. hear people screaming. >> still unclear what caused the crash. one eyewitness saying the dropper dropped like a stone. three people were on board the helicopter. two officers and a civilian. still no word on their condition. brand new video released overnight. showing an american war veteran captured in north korea. you may remember merrill newman was dragged off a plane leaving the country more than a month ago. the video dated november the 9th was released by a state-run news agency. it shows newman apologizing for crimes he committed during the korean war. the communist state is notorious for coe
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statements from prisoners. north korea's state run news agency also releasing this signed apology from newman. one angel is losing her wings after sparking or speaking her mind about taylor swift. according to the "new york post." victoria secret model jessica hart has been fired after she said swift wouldn't be able to make it as a lingerie model. wow, well, she made the comments are a the victoria secrets show earlier this month. you remember? of course you do. that was where the performer taylor swift was. she later backtracked those saying she actually loves taylor swift. executives at victoria secret are furious about those comments. >> she is losing her wings. maybe she was jealous because taylor swift actually is about this big around around actually looks like a models. >> you can imagine the nastiness that goes on behind the scenes. >> every glimpse. >> i think we just saw some. >> every time a bell rings an angel loses her wings.
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>> not one of those angels. >> take a look what's going on. nice day if you are traveling home today. weather is good. one little clipper system moving across southern canada around the northern great lakes. see that by tomorrow afternoon. little bit of snow but nothing that's going to cause any big problems. out across the west. also looking fine. system pulling into the pacific northwest though. by tomorrow for your return home if tomorrow is your travel day. airports across the country looking fine. maybe a few delays around portland and seattle. those aren't airports that use those planes to get across a lot of the rest of the country. so, we are not looking at any big problems. get ready for big change in the weather pattern. cold across the east. that will change this week. all warm up in the east. big cool down and those temps around 303, 5 degrees below where they should typically be this time of year. temps maybe at nighttime minus 25 or so. crazy cold. >> that global warming is killing us. >> thank you, rick. >> maybe you don't want to
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leave the house to go shopping. many people are. many stores open with four day black friday sales. all kinds of violence has erupted as a result of these great deals. down in my home city of philadelphia. >> does this make you proud? this is awful, this is unbelievable. >> keeping with philly pride right here. a woman uses a stun gun on a fellow shopper. >> to get the item she wanted she had to be escorted out of the mall by security, of course. >> apparently boast escorted of out after that two metropolitan arrested after a turned violent over dispute parking lot. happened outside of a wal-mart. one punched and then the other sat florida facing felony charges left 2-year-old left alone in a car while he shopped inside. holiday reflect on the things we are grateful for in america and miracle of self-government, et cetera. becomes an excuse to have
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this orgy of consumerism and self-centered shopping and? i don't know. i'm sure people will write in nasty letters for me saying this. i think there is something really gross. not so much about the fighting but people queuing up to buy new stereos. >> i'm somebody who doesn't like to go out to the zoo in the madness of this. it's actually become a family tradition for at love people. showing you pretty terrible video. these people are excited. brings daughter and find good deals. >> that's why i do online shopping. my wife. all the shopping with you now online. >> i think when you are on your death bed you are not going to think i wish i had gotten a better deal at best buy. i wish i had spent more time with my family. >> i bought the 240 hersz television. kill over. shame. >> the president's healthcare law was supposed to save people money. that hasn't happened. meet a family who is saying
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obamacare has forced them to make very important choices like a home phone line or health insurance. >> is this it reminiscent of your holiday road trip? >> clark, stop it it i don't want to spend the holidays dead. >> hope, please, i will do the driving, okay? >> take it easy? you hit the road for the holidays brand new study revealing the most annoying driver you know. who do you think it is? emails are pouring in on this one? >> dad, dad. [woman] ask me what it's like
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to get your best night's slee every night. [announcer] why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america? [woman] ask me about my tempur-pedic. [man] ask me h fast i fall asleep. [woman] ask me about staying asleep. [announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. save up to $300 on our most popular tempur-pedic mattresses and get a free foundatn. find a store at
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welcome back, president obama claimed repeatedly that obamacare would lower the cost of health insurance and healthcare generally. like so many other americans, one family in california has been forced to make some painful cuts. before obamacare, katie
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joy's family paid about $500 a month for insurance. their old plan was cancelled because it didn't meet the new obamacare standards said the government. starting january 1st, they will now be paying more than double what they paid before. cates joins us now from sacramento. thanks for coming on this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> was this a surprise to you that your healthcare payments more than doubled in the wake of obamacare? >> well, i expected an increase. but i didn't expect 150% increase, so, yeah, it was a shock when i got my letter this september. >> what has this meant specifically for your monthly budget? your household budget? >> well, i have to cut out $753 out of our budget to cover that payment, so, you know, we just sat down and looked at all the different options and a lot of the options are going to specifically hurt small businesses in my community and that's why i'm speaking out. you know, fewer manicures, fewer haircuts, fewer trips
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to the dentist, eating out, entertainment, going to movies. even cutting little further from the food budget. and those things have a direct impact on the businesses in my community. >> right. >> so what happens to them when their incomes shrink and they are having to pay for insurance? >> that's right. and not just your community but more precisely your family itself. we will put up on the screen some of the cut backs you have made or are considering making in the wake of this. $100 extra mortgage payment. $70 land line food. donations to wounded warriors and habitat for hument, your charity. anniversary get away savings and one teeth cleaning per year. holy smokes. that is to the bone. >> yeah, yeah. we really have to cut back. we are in a position to cut back so, you know, we feel very fortunate that we are able to make these cuts. but, you know, you can't start dipping into savings, into retirement, into investments because if you start cashing those things out, you can't make them
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back up. you know, and we are retired. we are looking at going back into business. and becoming maybe a small business. so, you know, that was really my focus, yes, it's hurting us. yes, we are making cuts but today being small business saturday, it's a great time to focus on what's happening in our communities. it's not just me it's happening all across the country. in addition to it that as more of these cuts happen and drop from healthcare it's going to effect the united states. >> the most poignant on that list is cutting your donations to charity. i mean that is really sad. wounded warriors and habitat for humanity. >> yeah. i'm really thankful that you actually brought that up. a lot of focus has been on my manicurist and me personally. wounded warriors is a project we have supported for a long time as is habitat for humanity. we do give them gifts but we opted a couple years ago to
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do that monthly contribution. yeah, that's really hard. and we're hoping that thing also get better and we will be able to pick that back up in the future. that's hurting our veterans and hurting people that need that housing bill. that is sad especially at christmas. >> joining us live this morning. thanks very much for coming on. >> thank you. >> next on the run down, dozens sick, nobody knows why. the mystery illness rocking a popular tourist spot this morning. we will tell you where it is and what's happening there first she raised eyebrows for saying moms had no excuse for being out of shape and then facebook banned her for saying obese women shouldn't be proud of the way they look. is that fair? she joins us live to defend herself coming up. i'm overhe hill. my body doesn't work the way it used to.
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past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowin? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. ith sleigh bells♪ there's still time for big savings at bass pro shops during our super saturday and super sunday event. with free giveaways to the first 100 customers each day, hourly prize drawings, plus get back up to $100 in bonus bass bucks with purchase.
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. well, time for some quick headlines this morning. the u.s. is telling commercial airlines to play it safe with china's new air defense zone. the obama administration announcing that airlines ought to comply with china's demands to be notified of any planes traveling through the newly declared zone over the east china sea. that's even if the u.s. government doesn't recognize it. and the miami dolphins are extending richie incognito's suspension for allegedly harassing teammate jesse martin he will no longer go without a paycheck. as part of the agreement. incognito will be paid retroactively for the last two games and receive checks for the next two weeks. they equal about $230,000 apiece. >> anna?
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>> somebody call the pc police. she made news for facebook post asking what's your excuse? now the california fitness mom is banned from facebook for the post you are about to see against curvey girl selfie. >> she wrote this, quote: i woke up to news stories about how overweight nearly obese women should be proud of their bodies as they posed in lingerie. i think we should all accept how any healthy body through good nutrition man tests i'm starting to get annoyed. says her post is hate speech. maria kang joins us for her side of the story. you had to know you were going to be stirring the pot when you made that post. women say i'm proud of my body. i'm curvey but i'm proud of my body. >> i think everybody should be absolutely proud and love their body. you should love and accept a desire to progress yourself. >> do you think those women are not just because they are taking self-portraits of themselves and they may be
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overweight? how you can infer that from the photos? >> you know, i don't know if they are or they aren't. i'm not making any judgment. all i'm saying is however anybody's body manifests through good nutrition and exercise it's beautiful. we are in a crisis right now. obesity rates are rising. continue in the pace we are at? nearly half of americans in 20030 are going to be obese. we need to start having role models out there who are average. who are every day people who are fit and healthy. i don't think that pictures that i saw represented health. >> do you think we are starting to become numb to just the new size that americans have become, this overweight and obese population? we have heard things about airlines how they should make seats bigger. ambulances should have stretchers that are larger, is this just another thing like that? >> oh, definitely. i think that right now we are normalizing obesity. we are normalizing a crisis. we don't want to talk about it obviously we don't want to talk about it i was banned for talking about it so, yes, i think we are normalizing that something people need to discuss and
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need to create solutions for. >> do you think facebook went too far in what you labeled hate speech? what's the update there? have they put you back on facebook. >> i definitely think they n my speech. saying it was conviction but concern as an american. right now i also have access to my accounts but they did not restore we store the post. >> curvey girl says i stand by the ban and it was in fact hate speech since my facebook page is about celebrating all bodies and all women. what do you say to your critics? >> i think that what she is doing is great thing. i think that everyone should feel loved regardless of size. what i'm saying is that you should love, accept you need to progress yourself. creating a society where people are saying look at me, i'm very overweight and i love myself what you are indicating at the same time. if you want to desire
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something greater. get out of that comfort zone. you can't do that if everyone is saying that you look good and you are okay with where you are at marie kang fitness mold. kicked off of facebook. love to hear from our viewers on this. marie a thanks for joining us this morning. appreciate it go to our facebook page and weigh in. we are ff weekend on facebook. what do you think of maria's comments. hit up on twitter. 28 minutes after the hour. kicked off tv. crack smoking mayor has a new plan. back in a big way next. >> and do your holiday road trips always turn into a might mayor like the griz griswolds who is most annoying person in your car during a holiday trip? >> get around this egg timer.
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what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition.
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>> clark, stop it! i don't want to spend the holidays dead. >> honey, please, i'll do the driving, okay? will you just take it easy, ellen? i'm in complete control. i'm getting around this egg timer. >> uh, dad, dad,. >> and then he goes under
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the log truck, yes. in complete control. did you go over the river and through the woods for your grandma's house for the thanksgiving. somebody in the car is driving you absolutely bananas and bonkers who is the most annoying person to get behind the wheel with? glad you brought it up. most amying people to drive with 36% responded said my spouse, 22 percent said a friend. 16 a mother. 9 a father. and how about this? 8 percent said other. my teenage son a%, my teenage daughter 4%. we have been asking everybody at home also what are the most annoying habits. what are you hearing, clayton. >> we have on our facebook page i love other at 8%. what is that a space alien in the car? friend, father, teen, son, what is the other there? i don't know what that is? >> that could be a coworker. how about that? >> i guess you wouldn't call them a friend then i suppose. >> the other refers to college roommates.
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i had a college roommate named billy who is reformed into a decent human being who used to drive while talking to people in the backseat with his head turned entirely around. he survived it. >> that would be the other. >> people weighing in sandra writes the first driver in in -- worst driver in her house is her husband. this one goes into such detail my husband he manually turns the windshield wipers on and off. would drive me nuts. leave them on. changes the radio every other song. he rides the bumper of the car in front of him. he slows down way before he we get to the green light. why did you get married? >> you know what? that is exactly the thing. the plurality feel like the spouse is most annoying. teenage kids at 4% and a%? teenagers are literally playing x box when they drive. they have no idea what they are doing. driving on the sidewalk. homeless people scattering. they are frightening and
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somehow spouse is more annoying. >> somebody paying attention to the road. brad yost says anyone with a cell phone glued to heir ear is a problem. >> people who ride the gas and the brake at the same time. two footed drivers and you are constantly going back and forth, back and forth getting motion sick. >> i have seen a couple of comments from viewers saying they don't like people who talk all the time in the car. >> should be a restful time. maybe listen to some music and raymond writes i just don't like people who have to talk all the time in the car. >> really raymond? i don't like people who sit in sullen silence. i like people to entertain me. i'm driving you entertain me. >> go to ff weekend on facebook and add your comments to the thread. back to you. >> thanks. 35 minutes after the hour and on to the rest of your headlines. breaking news at this hour. afghan president harmid karzai is threatening not to
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sign a deal. that would determine the long term presence of the u.s. military in his country. this could be a road block to the united states. could lead to a situation similar to iraq. fox news military analyst general jack keane weighed in earlier on "fox & friends." >> eventually we are going to have a crisis seven months from now. we shouldn't make the same mistake that we did in iraq and react emotionally to this incident, act impulsively and then wind up with no deal. that would be a tragedy for the investment that we have made here for 12 years. >> that deal could determine if thousands of u.s. troops stay stationed in afghanistan or end up coming home. a mystery illness strikes on the las vegas strip. 13 kids and five adults were hospitalized after getting sick at the rio hotel. dozens more complained of feeling under the weather. early signs point to food poisoning. but officials say it will take time to pinpoint a cause. >> the flu like symptoms we
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can't tell it. we don't know that right now. we don't know the source. it could be airborne virus or could be foodborne. we he don't know the answer to that. >> and officials say they will conduct a full investigation. the children were part of football teams visiting for a tournament there in vegas. ford nation is rising um. toronto's embattled crack mayor, rob ford and his brother are taking their failed tv show to youtube. aired only one episode before being pulled. self-funded show to youtube talking about issues around the world. his power was stripped by the toronto city council after admitting to smoking crack last month and refusing to resign. >> people don't appreciate good television. >> all right. good television, too. busted for intentionally spilling a soda to get his team a time-out. you can even see kid mouth the word hit me. the find him 50,000.
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not so clever idea was probably a mistake. >> um, you know, the guy great love. the league types me for something i shouldn't have done and you know we will move on. >> he said he learned the move from other coaches. those are your headlines. he is not kidding. >> anna kooiman, ladies and gentlemen. rick reichmuth. >> that's why you need more than like three minutes between being a player and a coach. that looked like a player move to me. check this out, guys. aren't you cold? >> yes. >> what about you? >> yeah. >> a little bit? i am impressed. in this cold, freezing morning that you guys are all out here. legit pan fans. we appreciate it. take a look at the weather pictures. we he all should have gone to elf can a. take a look at this picture sent in from california. beautiful sunrise, this is
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yesterday morning. in palmdale, california as a spectacular one. getting up to 64 degrees today. not bad, you guys could have gone to california for your thanksgiving weekend and had a much warmer weekend. here across the north, we are talking about a cool day, a very cool morning. take a look at what happens throughout the day. temps will climb but barely. we are going to get up into the 30's. still the 20's across a the love areas of new england. a little bit of rain and snow moving into the coastal areas very briefly throughout late evening tonight. down across areas of the southeast we are starting with another cool morning. and the day really not warming up all that much. it will be another cool one. it will warm up a little bit by the latter part of this week. another cool one. in towards the northern plains, we will see snow moving across the up of michigan and temps better than have you been in the last few days. send it back to you inside. >> thank you. and he got his coat on o. >> i did. >> very nice. would you walk up to a complete stranger, take a picture and then hear about his entire life story?
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this man has actually done that he has been a sensation on the internet because of it he has got a book out. his incredible story coming up. skip the crowds at the stores and stay home to shop for the perfect gift for christmas. the best apps to save you time and money this christmas coming up. ♪ your loving don't pay my bills ♪ that's what i want ♪ that's what i want the city o. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages rves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain.
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lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of terry's story, visit ♪ by the end of december, we'll be delivering ♪ ♪ through 12 blizzards blowg ♪ 8 front yards blinding ♪ 6 snowballs flying ♪ 5 packages addressed by toddlers ♪ ♪ that's a q ♪ 4 lightning bolts ♪ 3reepy gnomes ♪ 2 angry geese ♪ and a giant blow-up snowman ♪ that kind of freaks out [ beep ]
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[ female nouncer ] no one delivers the holidays like the u.s. postal service. priority mail flat rate is more reliable than ever. and with improved tracking up to 11 scans, you can even watch us get it there. ♪ [ video game sounds ] whoa! campbell's has super mario soup. m'm. gotcha! [ video game sound ] awww. m'm! m'm! good! thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it!
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no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. some quick health news. here are the top stories for your web site for your health. brain boost. new study out of switzerland music training like playing piano can help a brain function and improve your mood. the benefits come from combining music rhythm with physical activity. and don't feel guilty about all that turkey you just ate. feeling guilty can make you
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abandon your diet and exercise plans all together. that, of course leads to weight gain. don't give up when you stray, experts say instead you look at the food as a reward for your hard work and not a weakness despite the fact it may, in fact, be a weakness. >> couldn't you walk up to a complete stranger and take their picture and ask to learn their entire life story? our next guest did that it's been one wild journey for him. >> he has now published his incredible experience. best seller humans of new york. photographer and blogger of humans of new york. brandon stanton joins us. >> when this idea all came about. it almost was an accident. you were coming just to take some pictures because you had lost your job. >> right. you know, i was working as a bond trader in chicago. photographing on the weekends as a hobby. lost my job. i'm going to take some time off and do something completely irrespective of money because i enjoy it which was photograph. i started traveling around the country and taking pictures of people.
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emerged out of that. >> some of the most successful stuff emerges out of doing something you are passionate about. >> you think of new york or new york gets a bad wrap for being sully people. they are not necessarily the funniest individuals. when you are snapping photos of theme what's been their response. >> one on one new yorkers are no different than anyone else. crowds are ruder than individuals because everybody is in a hurry. everybody is getting in each other's way. yos anywhere else. when you pull somebody out of the crowd and interact with them one on one. you will find people are the same everywhere. >> you are basically doing what's like a dream. every person has a story we are hearing. let's go through a few of your favorites. the first is you saul umbrella lady. >> where is the umbrella lady? >> there she is. this is one of my favorite stories. i was walking south of central park and i see this 100-year-old woman walking
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towards me with this bright umbrella. i photographed her. i got under the umbrella with her and you have got to imagine it's pouring down rain. there is rain all around us. i asked her i said if you could give one piece of advice to it large group of people what would that advice be. >> i will tell you what my husband told me when he was dying i said mo, how am i going to live without you? and he said take the love you have for me and spread it around. >> wow. >> yeah. and i just said thank you. and i turned the corner. that's the first time i ever really cried on the street it was so touching to me. >> imagine the rain too. amazing she let you under the umbrella with her. >> right. >> you are getting into these people's personal space and they are letting you do it. this next one is a fur coat and i want you to tell us a little bit more about this one. >> you led into that talking about personal space. this person was a little less interested in talking to me. but, still, she gave me something i can use. i took her photo and then i walked up and i started asking her questions and she goes i really don't have time to talk right now. these shadows are changing
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every second. she was painting a cherry blossom tree. >> you respect that as a photographer. >> still she gave me a quote that's representative of her and representative of her life. soyuzed it and it it ended up being a very popular photo. >> the book ♪ only filled with great photos but great photos that sit next to awful these photos. it is remarkable. i have to ask you from a technical perspective what kind of camera do you use. >> cannon eos a d. >> you flip a lot of it to automatic settings when you are out there on the street. >> i'm not shy about admitting that. i have been photographing for a little bit more than three years now. i always say humans not as much as technical project as it is a project about people and about interaction. so, you know, when i'm on the street. i do rely very heavily on the automatic settings on the camera. >> close us out with your last one here. one of your favorites. dance move this is called. what is this? >> this is somebody that
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i -- i like this one, too. >> this somebody that he was dancing for tips. in soho and i kind of walked by him. i said if i take a photo of you, can you put all your talent into one dance move? and then that is what he gave me. >> you bring out the best in people. >> get you to do that. >> that's quite a talent. just hearing from your stories, too. you are also a great interviewer of people. you are not shy behind the camera. >> thank you very much. one of the big evolutions of humans of new york is just finding out in a period of one or two minutes with a stranger on the street how to touch on kind of deep impactful defining moments of their lives. getting to that information in a very short amount of time and making them comfortable to share that information with millions of people has really become what a large part of the art is behind it. >> i love the fact that you only started using the camera photographing three years ago now you have a book out following your passion. >> it's amazing testament to the world today that everything is so
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interconnected that you can switch directions very quickly and make a success. >> humans of new york. brandon stanton. we have to leave it there we can't wait to get to you sign these. we have authors and photographers, this is great. >> great christmas present. coffee table book. grab it on amazon. >> more with charles krauthammer. came to washington during the carter years to work for the carter administration. how did that president compare to president obama? his analysis might surprise you. >> and skip the crowds at the stores and stay home to shop for the perfect christmas. perfect gift this christmas. our experts here with the best apps to save some time and some money. there are seniors who have left hundreds of dollars of savgs on the table by not choosing the rit medicare d plan.
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no one could hav left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors whoompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs prmacist, ll, or go to to get your free, personalized pl comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today.
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well, 'tis the season sr. shopping. wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the chaos? there's an app for that. the cofounders of are here this morning. nice to see you guys. welcome. you have some apps for us. let's start with your first one and tell us how we can save some money. this is the gift guide app? >> finding the right gift is half the battle. we have some great apps out there that have some unique great products spop the real simple app has all of the great products from national retailers. if you're looking for something broad scale, that's a great app
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to start filtering. then we have some other apps for that between that's hard to shop for. wanelo is a great app. you can show up and be the cool aunt or uncle this holiday season. >> let's take a look at wanelo. a lot of times this is why my parents tell me to get an amazon wish list. what about, there's an app for fab? >> fab is similar. really cool cure rated products but it's for the older aunt or uncle. it's not between based. they are doing 20% off after hukkster, 20% off until cyber monday. check it out and get a deal this weekend. >> tell us about hukkster and what you guys do. >> right. so once you figure out the gifts you want to buy this season,
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hukkster will track the products for you and let you know the moment they go on sale. so we create your virtual wish list, we'll track the products day in and day out and then the moment it's on sale you with click through and buy. for the holidays, the best part is you can share the wish list with friends and family and then they find out when the products go on sale too. >> all of these deals are changing every day. what else do we have, the rent, the runway happen. what is that? >> you still want to look great. you may not have the budget or the time. we love rent the runway. right here we have a great outfit from them. this dress is $1200. you can rent it for $175 for the holiday party, new years, whatever special event you have going on. and the neck last is 175, you can rent that for 45. they have all sort of price
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points. just make your feel special and you don't have to break the bank. they're also doing a sale right now through cyber mon, 20% off. >> how does the app work? does it allow you to scan through the dresses? are you able to upload pictures of yourself to see how you look in the dress? >> that's one of the features. you see real people wearing the dress. their customer service is great. if it doesn't work, they'll send you another size. >> you guys only wear these dresses once any way. why do you have to keep it in your closet. thanks for joining us this morning. go to for their website as well. coming up here on the show, every parent knows kids love fast food but not every kid's meal is created the same. love taking pictures of your kids? i do. that's one f took of my kids on thanksgiving morning. be careful.
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could she's snap shots that you're taking of your kids be too much of a good thing? my camera roll is full. ♪
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hey there, good morning. it's saturday the 30th of november. i'm anna kooiman and we start with a fox news alert. times up. it's deadline day for the bam ma care website. the administration is path itself on the back calling it a success. is it too a little too late? a live report from washington straight ahead. she's trying to help others by opening her home. but now the government wants to punish her for her good deeds. we've got details coming up. forget the pope. if guess who is the choice for this year's time person of the
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year? that's right. miley cyrus. we'll explain. fox and friends hour four starts right now. hi, this is jane seymour and you're watching fox and friends which is by far the most fun show ever. >> imagine you're waking up at 9:00 a.m. and the first thing you see is the announcement that miley cyrus is going to be the time person of the year. i just want to let you know, stay tuned. >> further confirmed by the fact that rick reichmuth was just singing one of her songs off of the air. >> a lot of people are saying this is a cry for help. is it cool marketing or smart marketing. >> don't worry. things are not as bad as we've suggested. you have to stay tuned. >> it's one hour into sort of the relaunch of a fox news alert, just one hour
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ago the obama administration self imposed deadline arrived. is the site up and working this morning? james rose season live in washington to tell us. good morning. >> reporter: i will do it for you guys without twerking. despite the announcement last night of an 11-hour outage on set to end this morning, the site seemed to be working well this entire morning. the average launch down is now down to less than one second reportedly for most user. pages are loading uncorrectly less than 1% of the time. however, problems remains, including the fact the tools for processing payment haven't even been built. for president obama, the problems of the website have been coupled with the cancellation of insurance
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policies for millions of people across the nation. he was slow to acknowledge that he had promised otherwise repeatedly and the entire episode has plunged him to the lowest job approval ratings of his presidency. >> it's hard to sit opposite you, mr. president, and say this, a lot of the criticism, it's personal. people just don't think you're trustworthy. >> well, i don't think that's true, barbara. the truth of the matter is that i got reelected in part because people did think i was trustworthy and they knew i was working on their behalf. i think the bottom line is, barbara, that i don't know any president who hasn't gone n periods during their presidency, maybe george washington might be the exception. >> and first lady michelle obama was at the president's side during that interview. back to you guys in new york. thank you very much. james rosen in washington.
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one thing the president said is correct, which is the president's approval rating goes up and down over which nobody has complete control. so it think i would be an error to peg the success of the obama care to his success. does it save money or doesn't it and we'll find out. >> yeah, you know, democrats are going we have got to get this thing going and glitch free. 80% in the private sector probably wouldn't be -- >> you would be out of business so faster. 80% of the time we'll get your order right? bankruptcy immediately. >> we know that the bounce rate for people who get frustrated with web sites is a fraction of a second. but if you have no choice though, you have no choice because you know a deadline is approaching you have to get health care or you're going to
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get a penalty, you have to keep going back. the lieutenant said that democrats need to be reasonably panicked because if the deadline approach and the website doesn't work they're going to have to answer to their constituency. >> this has eroded the confidence and credibility of the obama administration and president obama himself. and even worse the political ramifications it's going to have is going to be absolutely chilling. because they can't explain this away anymore. i believe that you will see internal pressure within the democrat party to say we've got to put this thing on time-out. we've got to look at how do we go back to the drawing board really. the question is the president willing to set aside his arrogance and really look at this health care law, this policy and say you're right. this thing is totally unworkable. >> you need some tips out there? well katherine so beale yus has
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tweeted out some tips. here's how to survive this is not a joke. shop during off peek hours, mornings, nights and weekend. >> the price will run out. >> comparison shop to get the best deals. she help elfly lists her twitter handle. why does this person still have a job? she looked right at a congressional panel six weeks ago and said this website will be ready and done by november 30th. >> the president offering her an umbrella saying the buck stops with me, i was giving the marging orders, they were given bad information. don't shoot the messenger. >> the president is making the opposite case as he campaigns around the country raising money from rich celebrities.
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somebody, the person in charge should be held accountable, would be in any business and she is not being. >> she's on a pr campaign right now. one of my favorite things he says as well is there are 23 shopping days in december. no need to rush. you think she's saying that because they're planning on success also being 50,000 people being able to carry that when how many people have lost their insurance, for than five million and where are they going to be shipped off to? they're going to be in an online waiting room or as they're pushing an advanced cueing system. >> get in line. it's an advanced cueing system. >> we have some other news making head lines. breaking news overnight starting with a fox news alert out of alaska. more people have been killed after a small plane went down
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last night. an infant boy is dead along with a pilot. they crashed in the western part of the state. ten people were on board at the time. no word on the condition of the others. another fox news alert, in scotland where at least one person has been killed after a police helicopter crashed into a busy pub. police expecting that number to rise because over 100 people were in the bar at the time. >> i just don't know why, just a huge plume of smoke. you could hear people screaming. >> well it is still unclear what caused that crash. one eyewitness saying the chopper dropped like a stone. three people were on board the helicopter, two officers and a civilian. no word on their condition. brad-new video overnight showing an american war veteran captured in north korea.
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this new video dated november the th was released by a state run news agency. it shows newman apologizing for crimes he committed during the korean war. until now the country has not explained why he was holding newman. the state is notorious for coercing statements from prisoners. they've also released this signed apology from newman. tucker, this is for you. forget the pope. in time mag seen readers have it their way, meet the 2013 person of the year. ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball, i never hit so hard in love ♪ ♪ all i wanted was to break you up ♪ >> oh, man. miley cyrus has 26% of the vote. that puts the queen of twerk way ahead of pop francis and sen nair ted cruz. but according to the magazine's rules, the board will ultimately pick the winner, not the online
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reader poll. >> will they overrule the people? that's the question. rick reichmuth singing during that segment. >> how do you not? >> it's catchy. >> uniquely resistant to that screen of miley cyrus. >> there are some songs that get caught in your head. >> like your katy perry "roar"? >> yeah. so incredibly catchy. >> if you're flying back home tomorrow most of the airports are going to be looking great. one problem is the pacific northwest. we're watching a snow moving in there. a little snow towards the higher elevations. we'll see a little bit of rain showers. high pressure in the east coast is bringing this clockwise flow into parts of florida, a few showers there and later on in the day we might see a little show across parts of the
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northeast. but the west, you're looking great. it's just that energy you see moving into the pacific northwest right now, that's the rain and the snow. >> you are like a rain bowe. rick, thank you so much. more on my one-on-one interview with charles krauthammer. >> and it's the best story you will hear all day. this beloved pooch went missing after a tornado. how he was found under rubble more than a week later. ♪ good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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. >> well you've seen his expert analysis on special report every night. in addition to being a commentary and sind column mist,
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charles krauthammer is an authur. >> charles by the way is a great guy in person to get his take on the current administration, here's what he said. >> so you came to washington during the carter years, you watched the presidency carefully. how would you compare that presidency to the current presidency? >> well the carter presidency was the failure and a the people rendered a verdict on that. he did have certain achievements. but what people don't remember is that the invasion of after gan stan christmas 1979 was a turning point for carter. he kind of rejected the first three years of his own soft soviet policy. remember that statement he once made, inordinate fear of come in
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addition. well he ininquired an inordinate amount of fare of come in addition. i worked for him during the 1980 campaign and i had no problems working for the democrat administration that had become pretty tough where it counted. but of course, comparing it to obama, with obama, i don't see any learning, i don't see any change, i don't see any difference. he tries the open hand, tries the reset with russia. he gets slapped in the face repeatedly, cutting off our a y alli allies, the czechs. the russians openly brazenly supporting assad in syria. he tried the same thing with iran which has led us to this day where we have the absolutely
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awful come pitch las vegas of these negotiations. which obama i'm sure honestly sincerely thinks is a success. >> you're a doctor and you're the most widely read political come lum nis in the country. you're uniquely situated to think through where obama care winds up. what does it look like five years from now. >> it is either abolished or we have a wreckage of a health care system. the arrogance with which these experts marge into washington, write a 2,000-page bill of complexity, 20,000 pages of regulation affecting every aspect of medicine, which i know, i was in is it, is one of the densest most complex ecosystems of social interaction you can invent. you change one thing, the reimbursement schedules in medicare, you have ripple
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effects that will last for years that you can't even imagine. and they are changing a thousand things. they're change everything at once and that's why you get an administration that tries to morally blackmail americans by saying, if you believe in helping the uninsured, you have to support obama care. well we have now discovered that over the last several months for every one person who's acquired insurance through obama care, 50 have lost their insurance. so where is the compassion argument? and the notion that you can legislate, regulate and sort of issue a set of rules, unending set of rules that will create a more rational, more cost effective health care system is quite insane. >> more of his analysis and thoughts, you can check out his book. it's available now on am don. an incredible story and incredible life. charles krauthammer >> quite insane.
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kids love fast food, but not every meal is created equal. it's possible to keep your kids happy and healthy. we'll show you how. ♪ suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at
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an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu.
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no one protects you better than lifelock. try lifelock protection 60 days risk free and get a special holiday gift -- a document shredder. a $29 value free. ♪ ♪ hey there and good morning. kids may love fast food but it turns out parents don't need to fear feeding it to them in some cases. there are some healthier options that will make everybody happy. here is laura. welcome to the show. you're going to walk us through the best and the worst options if you have to eat fast food. these are the best of the worst? >> right. first we have subway which is
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the better if you have to take your kids to fast food, this is probably the best establishment to go to or something like chick-fil-a. >> they're sandwich artists there. >> but this is the bad, the club. >> right. the worst action on the fresh fit menu would be getting the club sand watch but i also comes with apple slices and low fat milk. it haez 1200 milligrams of sodium. that's 60% of their sodium for the day. >> why low fat milk? >> if you're having low fat milk, the actual -- you know, you're trying to eliminate or decrease the saturated fat because you want the kids when they're over two to have a low fat milk. >> how about this one. this is the good option, the turkey sandwich. >> the better option for the fresh fit kids would be to get
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the turkey sandwich. this is a four-inch sub. sit not a six-inch. they decreased the size for the children and they've added the apples and the low fat milk. >> one of my favorite things was eating a burger king cheese burger and that's on the worst menu here. we know how terrible chocolate milk is for kids. stay away from that. but this is the worst meal? >> we have the cheese burger, fries and then the chocolate milk. so the chocolate milk is twice the calories and the carbs. you have to specify you want low fat milk not the chocolate milk. >> and the better option is the chicken nuggets? >> if you want chicken nuggets and you're getting the four piece, then you get the chicken nuggets were apples and low fat milk. if you're getting the six-piece nuggets, then you want to have
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the hamburger. >> and that doesn't include the dipping souses. >> this one usually includes the barbecue sauce. >> mcdonald is the worst lineup here. so the cheese burger and the soda option for the happy meal and fries? >> this is, you know, a less happy meal because they automatically include fries whereas the other places do not put fries in anymore. mcdonald's automatically serves french fries as part of their happy meal and you can swap out the low fat milk for soda. we have a sugar sweetened soda. so you're getting cheese burger, fries and a soda. but you can get a healthier option but it still includes the fries. but they've made it a half size, so it's a minifry. >> the chicken nuggets and the apple slices. >> sit exciting to know that these restaurants are listening
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to consumers, they want healthier options for adults. there's oatmeal, the apple slices, grilled chicken instead of fried chicken. >> most companies offer apple slices and low fat dairy. >> so if you decoupled all of these things, i guess the healthiest thing on this table would be the apple slices. >> and the lettuce and the tomato from this sandwich. >> no good deed goes unpunished. one woman has been take in our war heroes over 40 years. now the city wants to shut her down. >> do you love taking pictures of your kids? this morning we have a warning for parents. be careful, those snap shots could be too much of a good thing. we'll explain why coming up. don't go anywhere. ♪
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. hey, hey, hey. >> do you hear that silence? >> it's definitely not that way in sometimes square. >> there was a moment in silence in thanksgiving appropriate for this weekend for all of the blessings that we had. >> that was your moment of zen
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this morning. >> good morning. welcome back to fox and friends. >> you're taking lots of pictures of your kids, of course you and all parents do, maybe it's not good for them to take too many photographs of your children. maybe it turns them into narcissists. >> little self centered kids we're turning them into. the study according to research this morning says that giving kids -- it gives kids a sense of being overly important by snapping all of these photos of them. >> they think of themselves as the center of the universe. they make children feel self conscious, that could be another idea. >> it also makes them grow up to take selfies. those are the pictures of themselves that suggest the most interesting thing you can imagine is your own face which is guaranteed to turn you into a weird person. >> selfie was added into the
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dictionary this year? also the cameras, the new front facing cameras for the selfies. >> this comes from the same premises that we've heard of don't tell your daughter she's a princess and all her princess all of the time because when he gets to school she's kwing to think that she can do no wrong. >> the whole premise that women should do nothing and wait for a man cotom rescue them. >> i have a friend who has an adorable daughter, she has over 2,000 pictures of her. you can never have too many memories. true. but can you have too many pictures. >> a tweet from amber says the pictures are a reflection of how they're being raids. >> this one came from eddy's daughter, selfie kids are kids that never heard the word no. >> you can find us on twitter. what do you think? is it wrong to take too many
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pictures of your kids? are you setting them up for failure later on? >> definitely take the picture with santa claus. >> so what's going on with the world? >> i have got some head lines. dust is settling from the black friday madness but not before some people got hurt ore went to jail. watch this. it's crazy video comes from philadelphia. what's going on here? a woman apparently use as stun gun, a stun gun on another woman in an all out brawl at a busy mall. >> it ruins it for people now. like you want to go out and then you see stuff like this and you're like, i don't want to g out and get beat up over a pair of socks. >> the spokesperson for the mall says the women were escorted out. also the two men arrested in virginia after a brawl in a parking spot and one of them ended up stabbing the other. we're told both are facing assault charges. but don't net yesterday's chaos
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stop you from supporting mom and pop businesses. today is small business saturday which encourages shoppers to spend money at local businesses. get this, a mystery illness strikes on the las vegas strip. 13 kids and five adults were hospitalized after getting sick at the rio hotel. dozens more complained of flu like symptoms. early signs point to food poisoning but it will take time to pinpoint a cause and they'll going to conduct a full investigation. the mother who made national headlines for posting this photo, check it out here, has been temporarily banned from facebook. maria king complained about a group that encouraging plus-size women to post photos of themselves in ling ray. we spoke with her earlier on fox and friends. >> right now we're normalizing obesity and we don't want to talk about it. obviously we don't want to talk about it. i was banned from talking about
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it. so yes i think we're normalizing something that we need to discuss and we need to create solutions for. >> facebook says the post was taken down by mistake. her profile has been reinstated. nick says that maria is right, we must corral the trend towards obesity. she is my inspiration to get off the couch and get going. sam dweeted this, freedom of speech is gone. there are more things posted on facebook that are truly hateful and they are not blocked by the fc police. a pit bull belonging to a national guardsman is found alive buried in rubble more than a week after the deadly tornado poured through the state. if you see him here, he's had a few scrapes and cuts but he's going to be okay. >> we coached our own rick reichmuth outside with some hot
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dogs. >> it's a great crowd this morning. where are you from? >> michigan. >> you just called somebody saying, watch me, i'm about to be on tv. you just got on tv. take a look another your weather map. you're waking up this morning, atlanta you've been cold the nast few days, tuesday and wednesday you start to warm up. all across the areas of the southeast, into parts of florida finally, a lot of areas are warming up. but we're going to cool things down out west the this week. a big arctic cold front is coming down an drop temperatures in many cases 35 degrees below average by the time you get to wednesday. likely not getting above zero in parts of north dakota an montana. that's for your monday and tuesday. today we're chilly across areas of the northeast. there are some snow moving in areas of the northeast by
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tomorrow and into the northern plains today, you're looking cool and sunny. tucker we'll send it back to you inside. well debbie knoll has been helping the less fortunate for over 40 years by letting her into her home. now the city of lawrence, kansas is going to fine her $300 a day if she keeps opening her deer to those she wants to help. thank you for coming on this morning. >> welcome. >> you've been inviting people in trouble into your own home for 40 years. tell us about the kind of people who have been living with you. >> i've had abused women and displaced families and people into hospice care and military, former green berets. i've had some vietnam vets because my husband was a vietnam vet and i love my military. and i've taken in or fans and
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i've taken in abandoned teenagers. i don't know, 357 heinz variety. >> this is the kind of behavior that we would want to encourage, i would think. this is exactly the kind of selfless act that most americans admire. why is the city threatening to fine you $3,000 a day to do this? >> i was told personally if i continue to be a repeat offender they could fine me. they haven't yet but they could from 10 to 500 to a thousand, i even heard 3,000. i don't know what the fine is. but i was told that we have an ordinance and i am not against the ordinance that the city has, where you can't have more than three unrelated people living in your home. i'm not against that because when i bought my house, there were 31 skin heads who lived there. i probably would not have wanted them for my neighbors.
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i'm not against the ordinance. they need to make an amendment or grandfather me in because i've been doing it long before they had the ord than put in. i'm not against the ordinance, i think they need to grandfather me in or make an amendment because it breaks my heart because every week i have to turn someone away. and what started this was family promise really, and i highly support family promise. and then last week channel 5 had done a feature story on a mother that was in the hospital due to pneumonia and she was going to be released but he has no place to go and she had two kids and they were going to take her kids away from her because the shelters are full and she had no place. and it just broke my heart. i told my daughter on facebook that breaks my heart but i can't take her in. i can take her but i can't take her in because it would put me over the limit. >> have any of the people who
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you've taken in caused problems in the neighborhood? >> no. no. i've been doing it over 40and i. that's a pretty good track record. you can call the police department. that's a pretty good track record. >> what will happen to the people you've been taking in if you're forced to shut down what you've been doing and sell your home? they're not shutting me down. i have a six-bedroom home and i have three empty rooms that can't use because the city won't let me use them because i would be over their limit, over their three unrelated ordinance. so i want to buy this other house if i had the money that's just right across the street from the city limits and i could continue to do what i'm doing without the neighbors turning me in. >> what a sad story. >> i would love -- >> i want to say thank you for everything you've done over these last four decades for the people you've taken in, so many
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of our veterans. thanks for coming on this morning. >> thanks. you're welcome. >> obama carrollout, embarrassing for the president or was it? our next guest saying all those glitches just a money making employ. and this isn't a movie, this is real life. the inventor of the bullet proof suit joins us next. you'll want to buy one for yourself or your loved one for this christmas. ♪ wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin.
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two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis ifyou have an artificial heart valve abnormal bleing. while taking eliquis, yomay bruise more easily and it m take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. h sleigh bells♪ouncer ] ask your doctor today there's still time for big savings at bass pro shops 5 day sale. like ladies flannel pj pants for under $8. great deals on these popular bass pro shops spinning and baitcast combos. and this weekend, don't miss free giveaways, hourly prize drawings and more.
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the deep sweep power brush by oral-b for the first time. wow. it's "wow," you know? wow. wow. that feels "wow." [ male announcer ] oral-b deep sweep, featuring 3 cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles that reach deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. it seems like it gets more to areas of your mouth that you can't reach with a regular toothbrush. [ male announcer ] guaranteed "wow" with deep sweep from oral-b. #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide. welcome back. time is up. the obama care website was supposed to be fixed by today, the self imposed deadline. the administration downplaying the relaunch, don't expect it to be so 0%, more like 80%. joining us this morning, a software expert. good morning, welcome to the show, luke. >> thank you for having me. >> we have two hours under our
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belt now with the so-called relaunch of the website healthcare.g we've heard some reports this morning of people not being able to get through certain parts of the website. what's your assessment? how is it looking this morning? >> i haven't had a chance to see it yet but i'm hoping that it will work given the amount of money that we as taxpayers have spent. i really hope it works. >> it's certainly better. we understand there are still some problems with the payment processing inside the website and some of the other structural back end stuff. we'll have to see how this thing holds up. you have an interesting take on this which is you think the reason we had these delays and problems from the contractors behind the website was to prolong their own contracts, make some more money. well, i think if we follow the money we will see the stink in this whole system. because the way government contractors work, especially large one wx they're more specialists in winning
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government contracts, getting contract extensions, change orders, defending themselves when they lose contracts, protesting, i mean there's a whole way of lawyering up and putting once self into position that you're too big to fire. >> too big to fire. i'm scratching my head. if i had spent millions of dollars on a website and yaw couldn't deliver the website on time, i don't think i would be renewing your contract. how do these guys get their contracts renewed in. >> that is the problem with the whole government i.t. system. these contracts, actually 0 incentivized to make more money if they don't deliver functional system ons day one. look at all of the money they've made since october 1st. >> now they're under the gun, right? we need to have the website working today, that's what the president wanted, they set up this entire war room to make sure that's happening. how will we know if the website is functioning at least up to the capacity they say? it seems like it's hard to look
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behind the veil. >> i think it's odd that they've come out and say there's going to be a bill ya rate of 1,000 users. 1% is 500 users. and i don't fe that means 500 users will randomly fail or whether there's certain steps you put in that will guarantee you to fail and they only expect 1% of the people to do that. software repeats itself over and over again. i either work ors it doesn't work. i've never delivered something where i expected a failure rate. >> why isn't anyone getting fired over this, luke? >> well, i think we have to look at how i.t. gaf gof nans is handle. they don't understand how to
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manage the projects and hold contractors responsible and accountable for the thing that they deliver. if it's a small contractor they would get rid of him easily. but for the bigger ones they have a lot of lawyers that would be able to deflect any blame against them and they continue top eligible to bid on new projects in the future. >> if this was in the private sector, would this hold water? >> these government contractors are specialists in getting government contracts, the skills that they have is not delivering technology and they tactics would never survive in the private sector. >> and you hear from many private sectors, silicon valley folks who say i don't want to stick my hand in that hornet's nest. i'll stay out here. thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate your incite. >> thank you. this isn't a movie. this real life, this is the inventor of the bullet proof suit. this isn't james bond.
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he's going to join us live to explain. ♪
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female announcer: sunday's your last chance sunday's your last chance to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. through sunday, thanksgiving weekend, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses.
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you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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let's say you have a vitally important business meeting but you're also expecting a gunfight. now you can dress sharp and stay safe. this suit is actually bulletproof. >> can you believe this? an upscale tailor shop in canada came up with the idea for their customers who often travel to dangerous places. good morning, how are you? this is david tran. you look great yourself, by the way. >> thank you. >> very stylish company. i had no idea there was such a demand for this. >> toronto is a financial hub so a lot of men from toronto travel
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internationally. we do custom suiting for a lot of the guys. we build the wardrobe around their lifestyle. when guys shop with us, they're having drinks with us and they're confessing what's going on in their lives. we had a segment of men who have to travel to dangerous places for work. >> this isn't necessarily men in the mafia? >> no, it's men in finance. >> you offered to let us test this out but in mayor bloomberg's new york we're not allowed to fire weapons in the studio. it does raise the question, how do i know, having paid for the suit, that it will protect me from small arms fire? >> we've done a lot of research in the last six months. the technology behind it was developed for the u.s. special forces. so they have tested it. >> they wear three piece suits? >> they don't wear three piece suits but we collaborated with the contractor that developed their armor and we worked with them over the last six months to create this beautiful
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three-piece suit. >> david, we're watching you, put together some video here. what kind of material is it that will stop a bullet? we hear stories sometimes like a cell phone or a wallet stopped a bullet. what is this? >> normally, kevlar is used. we used a nano technology. it's extremely flexible. it's not bulky like what you would expect a police officer to be wearing. this is what makes it -- this is the magic behind what makes it stop a bullet. it actually hardens on impact and traps bullet right inside of it. >> conventional body armor is heavy. it's hard to breathe and it makes you feel uncomfortable wearing it. i would think police departments and militaries around the world would want to get in on this. >> i would think so. >> why not look stylish if you're out there risking your life? you shouldn't have to wear some kind of retrograde outfit. >> you have to come up with a fedora that does the same thing. give us a cost on it.
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>> it's a custom suit, it starts at $20,000. >> it could save your life. >> where are you on the pleats? >> no pleats. >> i knew i liked you. >> check out the pin here. >> as you hit the road for the holidays, we'll give you your response to who's the most annoying driver in your family. wisest kid, how can i get them to take a break? [ video game sounds ] whoa! campbell's has super mario soup. m'm. gotcha! [ video game sound ] awww. m'm! m'm! good!
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[ camera shutter clicks ] now, that's cardworthy. [ n ] all right. here we go. ♪ cardworthy. [ female announcer ] this holiday season, visit for all your cardworthy moments. ♪ working on a dream ♪ i'm working on a dream welcome back to "fox and friends." who's the worst driver in your family or that you ever get in a car with? doug writes us, burns me when
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the lovely lady i'm married to insists that the brake pedal is on her side. drives me nuts. the phantom pedal. >> this post came from mary. anyone texting while driving. are these people crazy? >> crazy, yes, but also highly productive. >> tony writes, i am the most annoying person in our car on the annual road trip. i drive the entire 800 miles. i commandeer the radio. they still love me. you are highly self-aware. that's why they love you. we will also listen to rick sing a little bit of his favorite song. a lot of miley cyrus. >> yes, "wrecking ball." ♪ you came in like a wrecking ball ♪ >> she could be "time" magazine's person of the year. >> you are so wonderfully unembarrassed. i love that. you have no self-consciousness at all. you don't sing miley cyrus on the air -- >> i thought she was singing "i came in like a rainbow."
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>> yes. we're having too much fun. >> you actually made a reference to it. >> yes, he looked at you baffled. >> have a great day, everybody. >> after the show show, join us, >> see you tomorrow. i'm in! >> forget "ready, set, shop." try, "ready, set, protest." hi, everyone. this is bulls and bears. unions out in force, protesting walmart on black friday. some even getting arrested in texas. they were demanding the retailer pay its workers more. but with big labor's membership still dropping, is this more about unions and less about workers? the bulls and bears this week. welcome to everybody. okay, john, is


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